Blame It On the Heat

Nowadays you can find me in flip flops, tanks, sundresses, mini's (love the mini's), shorts, can't forget the sunglasses, oh and a cool drink to top it off!!! It is crazy HOTTT in Atlanta but I don't mind the heat because I always get this nice bronze color during the summer. I was just sharing that with Hubby the other day, and I like it. Looks pretty good on me.

When the summer roles around so does the crazy, ridiculous clothing, doesn't it?? The other day we were limin' in a dance club and couldn't believe our eyes. Right in front of us a girl, steady dancing, wearing a top so small it barely covered her upper body. I mean the top was just wayyyyy too small for her and to make matters worse she kept pulling it down, further drawing attention to herself. I just don't get it. I'm all for women expressing their beauty and body in whatever way(s) they choose, I just draw the line at some places and it would do them good if they did too. Certain clothing are just not made for everyone, you've got to know your limits.

The parties are crazy fun as well!! The nightlife is my bff. I have to admit it...I'm a nightlife junky!! By day I'm a rocking mother of 5, hustling and bustling to events and happenings for them. And by night I transform, pull out my cape and hit the road sometimes not returning until the next morning when the sun comes up. Hey, what can I say...I was born for this!

The fourth is rolling around and people are getting ready for the eating, hanging out, drinking, smoking, fireworks and whatnot. I just wish you all a great holiday and please be safe. It's nothing like having fun, enjoying yourself to turn around and get into trouble for something stupid, right? And let's not forget about safety when using fireworks.

Thanks to all my new followers and the beautiful emails I've been getting. Keep them coming, you are so appreciated!!

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