What’s In My Cup?!


For a long time a searched high and low for a wine that I could order over and over again with complete satisfaction every time. I believe I’ve found that drink, for now that is Winking smile Moscato D’Asti – Well known within Italy for it’s sweet, fresh and slightly spritzy taste that makes it very easy to drink. I’m not one for dry wines that leaves me wanting to gulp down a whole glass of water while trying to enjoy my drink! No thanks! I like it smooth, sweet and moist all the time.

What’s your favorite Wine?


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  1. The only wine I really care for is Inglenook Fruity Red Sangria. It is sweet but not too sweet like a Riesling or Moscato. I know it is not fancy but it does the trick and goes well with anything ;)

  2. Hey Shelly! I was introduced to Sangria last year and fell in love with it as well! It was definitely my drink last year. I think my taste buds just simply wanted something different after awhile. And, I've come to see that when it comes to wine, fancy is not always better ;-)

  3. Lisa, Dwayne and I call our wine "hood wine" hahaha!

  4. Shelly ~ LOL!! Ya'll are so funny ;-)

  5. Sounds good, I'll have to give that a try. I'm partial to zinfandel myself.

  6. I just started drinking a sweet shiraz called Jam Jar. It's fabulous. Sweet and hearty.


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