Plant, Grow, Eat!

For years now I’ve wanted to have my own vegetable garden. The thought of planting a seed and watching it grow, as it’s being nurtured, right before my eyes brings a satisfying feeling that words can’t describe. The nurturer in me seeks this fulfilling quest and enjoys the conquer like a delicious piece of yummy chocolate that’s savored on my tongue until completely devoured. (Smacking my tongue right now, lol).
Well, this year I was able to do just that with the guidance of my Dad, Mr. Farmer. He’s been growing his vegetable garden for years now. The past couple of years his garden has turned in to a farm. He’s growing, Tomato, Corn, Okra, Egg Plant, Watermelon, Peppers, Cabbage, Zucchini, Broccoli, Cucumber, and, Cauliflower. I’m sure I missed a vegetable or two. The other day I went over there with my grocery bag in hand and didn’t waste any time picking till my hearts delight. You can’t beat the taste of an organic vegetable grown with lots of care and love. In my modest beginning I decided to start with one vegetable plant to get my feet wet. Here are some pics of what we have so far.
Ripe for the picking!
We’ve learned that the key to growing Tomatoes is to keep them evenly moist at all times. We have five plants that have a total of 24 Tomatoes combined, and water them early in the morning and in the evening, twice a day. Sometimes we’ve missed watering them twice but always at least once. The kids have learned a lot from this project and are looking forward to growing many other vegetables next year. They have never once complained about the work it takes to maintain them and find pleasure in seeing their work blossom. They are also a part of the Gardening club at the library and have planted Flowers (White & Yellow Sunflowers, Perennials), Trees (A Dogwood and Crab-Apple Tree), and Vegetables (Tomatoes, Beans, Peas), just to name a few.
This green thumb runs throughout our family. My Mom loves planting flowers that beautify the outside of their home. She also has many plants and herbal plants growing on the inside. Our Aunt’s on both sides of our family also grow vegetables. One of our Aunt’s who resides in the V.I (Virgin Islands) has a booming farm business that produces many unique crops which she provides to her local grocers and community as well.
The truth is, for many people who plant, and nurture the earth there is a connection that is made. A connection made to something greater than themselves. There is a sense of preserving, giving back, and giving thanks. There is a sense of ownership and pride. This acknowledgment goes beyond the Earth just being the ground you walk on, it becomes a part of Life itself. I applaud those who “Go Green, become Eco Friendly and give back in anyway they can. This is by far not the only way so whatever way you are doing what you feel is your part, cheers to you!
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