Giving Thanks


    I’m sitting here watching the news, preparing myself and my family as much as I can for the storm that is taking place and nearing my area. It brings back memories of the time I was stuck at the library while my husband and kids were huddled up in our downstairs bathroom with comforters, and flashlights, and books to keep them company. It’s close to midnight and it seems like things are calming down, for my area at least. That puts me at easy a little, just a little, we’re still not in total clear. But my thoughts can’t help but to wander on the many people who have suffered great lose because of this storm. Do you ever stop, at times like these, just to give thanks for your life and not being another number added to the tragedies? I do. And it makes all the shit that I’m dealing with in my life seem so small and much more manageable. #givingthanks

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  1. So true, Lisa. God's grace and mercy continues to cover my family and it just makes me want to serve, love, surrender, and sacrifice more and more.

  2. Praying that the situation continued to be safe for you and your family.

  3. @momsweb ~ Thanks for visiting :-)

    @shawnta ~ Thank you!


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