of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters

President Obama’s new book is scheduled to be out Tomorrow, Tuesday the 16th of November 2010. (11 days after my 35th Birthday!! I might add :) I’m so grateful to be here, celebrating another year of my Life and I’m looking forward to each and everyday of growing into more of Moi!)
“of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters pays tribute to 13 Americans whose traits the President see’s in his own children. The 31-page book, for kids and up, is filled with lyrical questions for Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9, opening with, “Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?” - USA TODAY 
The 13 Americans Obama pays tribute to are Painter, Georgia O’Keeffe, Albert Einstein, Jackie Robinson, Sitting Bull, Singer, Billie Holiday, Helen Keller, Vietnam Memorial Architect, Maya Lin, Social Worker, Jane Addam, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Astronaut, Neil Armstrong, Farm workers leader, Cesar Chavez, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. These are interesting choices that our President chose to include in his book, some of which I am very familiar and other’s (such as Maya Lin) I know nothing about who I’m looking forward to learning about. I had our children read the papers to spark interests and it did. One of the things they said that really touched me was, “Mommy, he’s such a good Dad”. Now I know they don’t know him personally and what they do know they’ve learned from television, books, newspapers, etc. and with that they are able to see and feel that he is a good Dad (they have a good example of what one really is). This makes me real proud of my President.
On another note, there is a former President who has written a book that has just recently been released that I’m personally not running out to go and buy it but I have to say I am a little bit curious as to what he has to say. What I’ve instead chosen to do is observe what is being said by him and others and so far it hasn’t been pretty but what part of the many things he has done during his Presidency has? He’s scheduled to appear (he and his wife) on Larry King Live on Wednesday night which I will be watching, I figure I will watch as much as I can stand just like I did the Palin show on Sunday night…SMH.

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