Embrace The Sacred Relationship



Sacred Relationships Part 1 speaks about loving others in a healthy, wholesome, unconditional way. One that is unattached from having the need to need love from another in order to fulfill some sort of emptiness we are experiencing inside ourselves. Many of us are not aware of, know how to, and even understand this way of loving others and accepting others for who they are, unconditionally. Love was never meant to be given conditionally to others and certainly not ourselves, it is our birthright. Learning to Love others unconditionally is rewarding and satisfies a hunger for Love that we all experience. Part of the journey in learning how to love unconditionally is learning the art of letting go that which is dear to us for the greater good of all involved; the greater good being the focus. Learning how to appreciate while letting go, well let’s just say…you can’t have one without the other! 

Enjoy this video and if it moves you to comment please share what you experienced while watching. There is a part 2 to Sacred Relationships; The Foundation of Wholeness, that addresses the love we must show ourselves in order to be whole enough to give the same kind of love in return. These are both beautiful, moving videos that I’m so grateful for attracting in my here and now experience today, for me and for you.

Blessings ~


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  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I can't watch the video until I get home but your words are so very timely for me right now. Seriously, I can't begin to tell you the thoughts and emotions I was experiencing at lunch that centers around this topic. WOW.

    Thanks for sharing Lisa!!!

  2. Will watch the video -- getting to a place myself where I'm learning to let go and learn to appreciate the reality of paths being what they are...There are jewels to be found in letting yourself let go, it allows you to free yourself from a path that would lead to a dead end.

  3. Moved to tears... while reading. What more can I say.

    I can hardly wait to actually watch the video. And I certainly can't wait to take in part two.


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