Sensually In Love, With Life!!

Wow, I can't believe it's the middle of November already! The air is crisp, cool and sensually right for the cooking up of something lusciously delicious!! I'm in the mood for LOVE!! Are you? If not you, then maybe your partner ;-) Let's find out together, shall we?

~November, a time for Scorpio to reveal her true and deepest desires. Her true intent for the things to come and the things she wants to create. Her visions that were being nurtured previously are now clear and with clarity she will manifest ALL ~ Lisa C!

For those of you who didn't know, my Birthday was November 5th. It's alright if you feel you missed it because I celebrate all month and if your heart so desires to adorn me with gifts I'm open and welcome your love ~ :-)

I also moved into my new home this month!! I'm just oozing with excitement as it's everything that I wanted. For's MINE and that means FREEDOM to do as I please with my beautiful dwellings, what a BLESSING!! A new friend that I recently had the pleasure of connecting with told me that even colors are important to my soul and how I want to express "me" outwardly. To that I say...Ase!!

(Ohhhh, so much is going on, my fingers will not type as fast as my mind is moving... :-) I'll tell you's good to be back, here with you, I am grateful for all my new readers and clients, things are hot and spicy!!)

I started a cleanse which was supposed to be for one week only but has now turned into two weeks and a few days, I feel so refreshed and awakened!! If I sound excited about it, it's because I am!! When you take the time to care for yourself, your body and mind you reap so many benefits and rewards because you are allowing yourself time...time to heal, be renewed, rest, concentrate on YOU! Your body thanks you for taking the time to show it some love. My cleanse consists of only raw fruits, veggies and pure Alkaline Water. This is what I chose for me but cleansing/detoxing can be done in so many different ways, you have to figure out what suites you. My amazing King is doing it with me so it makes it a lot easier to have support and understanding when you're not alone. This is not the first time we did this kind of cleanse it's just a lot longer this time. It also helps that we are already vegetarians so instead of cooked veggies now all we are eating is raw. Raw string beans, broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, you name it we eat it!

Since starting the cleanse I have so much energy, my concentration level is at it's peak, I'm sleeping like a precious baby at nights, I'm up so early and energized; looking forward to my green or carrot drink in the morning. I knew that I needed to cleanse in order to be open to receiving all the new people, places and things that were getting ready to come into my life. It didn't take long for the new yummy's to start flowing in! I'll be working together with a very sensual Diva, creating luscious readings for your delight!! Stay tuned!! Hubby and I have just intermingled ourselves with another sensually, orgasmic Diva who is taking us through a course that's got us heading towards new beginnings, fun times (out and inside the bedroom), hot and steamy first encounters, like we're meeting each other for the first, so good!!! These woman are beautiful, loving, amazing Goddesses who are here now to assist me to higher levels of who I am, desire to be, and where I'm going. Thank You!!

Do you know that everyone you meet in this lifetime will help you in some way, whether it be in a positive or negative way to become more of who you want to be? The people we attract are like us, that's because like attracts like. Our job is to find out why they are here and showing up in our life experience at this time and place. Some will show you what you want to strive for within yourself so that you can grow (even when it hurts) into the person you really want to be. Some will show you what you want to leave behind and believe me you'll be grateful for these people because they show you the old part of you that is still trying to hold on. They will show you the person you used to be, how you were used to being treated and now's the time and opportunity for you to tell them NO THANKS! CIAO!! AHHH...I needed to get that off my chest. Others will show up so that YOU can now show them all that you've learned and be a blessing in their lives. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Wouldn't you like to turn around and be a blessing? Wouldn't you like to take someone by the hand and give them all you've got knowing that they are in a place where you once were and you know how to get OUT? Trust me, you will know which person is bringing what to you and you have the opportunity to act upon it. You'll love seeing yourself operate and be free to be who you want to be with them, through them, and for them. Life is so much fun!!

November is my favorite month, yeah maybe it has something to do with my birthday but it's also my favorite because of all the sensual love that flows through ALL during this time. Let your love flow freely into the hearts and souls of those in your life and the ones cuming. Open up to receive and say YES despite of your fears and inhibitions. Let go and LIVE! Accept that life will work for you if you let it! Make a promise to yourself to living your life as a JOYFUL experience each and every day! Choose to create greater possibilities than you ever imagined before! And don't forget to CELEBRATE YOU!!!

Sensual blissings to you ~

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  1. Wow Lisa what a nice post! Congratulations on your new home. I am really happy for your family. May the Blessings keep flowing your way!! ((hugs))

  2. It's great that so many positive things and feelings are flowing in and through you. Wonderful. Happy Birthday! :)

  3. Sheliza ~ Thank so much!! You are one of the few who knew what I am coming from so your blessings runs deep :-)

    Petula ~ Thanks Lady!! Life is such a creative playground and I'm having fun with creating what I want!!


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