The Great Houdini Did it…

…and yes, so do I. Now you see me, now you don’t. 

My last post was an urgent pause that I needed to make before I took another step. I’ve come to accept that part of me and how I operate. I must take needed breaks after putting out as much as I do, just know that when you don’t see me I’m still here but operating on a different plane, seeking guidance and getting things together. When I become so engulfed in what I do, my life can get away from me. I must find balance. My remedy is to slow down and find my ground and make sure my feet are solid. During that time the most amazing things happens to me, my garden grows ever more and the weeds are plucked in abundance. I grow because I’m more focused on the inside and whenever I dig deep I find more of who I am and what my purpose is. Some would call it soul searching, I like that term so I’ll go with that. I’m searching my soul, becoming connected to my source only to return with a wealth of knowledge that has always been there, but all new to me…and you. When I speak, when I write, when I share my light, it’s all because I allow myself to be used as a vessel which pumps life into everything and everyone I touch. You are blessed to be reading this, I am blessed to be typing this and all is well because of it. 


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  1. This is beautiful in so many ways. I have been encountering the same things like you and have taken a proactive approach at bettering myself. I am a happier wife, mother and ME for it! God bless ;-)

  2. Found you on Mom Bloggers Follow Me Club. I like your blog and I'm following and looking forward to reading more.

  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Yes, all is well. ~aZa


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