Dear Goddess By LiYana Silver

I was browsing through my email for the first time in a few days and I came across this letter written to me by a lovely lady, whose work has inspired me to live out my life to it’s fullest. She’s inspired me to live orgasmically, blissfully, and wondrously free and maybe she can do the same for you! I live my life open to receiving what I can learn from anyone I choose and even though I may not agree with everything I’m not in the least bit concerned with allowing myself to learn from them. There are many teachers and guides all coming from different points of views but sometimes if you listen closely enough you’ll find they are saying the same thing. You’d be surprised if you would just open yourselves and allow your desires to lead you to where you need to go and what you need to learn. The letter, short and sweet, touched my inner core and moved me deeply, hope it does the same for you ~~~




"Dear Goddess:
The lady reading this is beautiful, classy, strong and I love her.
Help her live her life to the fullest.
Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.
Help her shine in the darkest places where it seems impossible to
Protect her at all times, and lift her up when she needs you the
And let her know that she walks with you, and that she will
always be safe and beloved.”

Have a sweet, sweet week,

You can visit LiYana at, Re-Defining Monogomy!

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  1. Glad I dropped by to receive my personal letter; I loved it! Thanks, Lisa!

  2. Momsweb ~ I'm all smiles :) Glad you loved it!!

  3. Regina ~ As always, thanks! :-)


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