Getting Buck Wild With Life!

flower3 This morning I woke up to the lovely sound of the beautiful sea. The waves were beating ever so gently on the shore. The Seagulls were busy up above and the sun was out saying hello. This is a typical days beginning here at our families beach house.
We visit our beach house at least twice a year and spend anywhere from a month to two months at a time. This has always been a dream of mine and now I’m living out that dream. One of my reasons for wanting to own my own beach house was because I love the ocean. Sometimes early in the morning before anyone else is awake I put on one of my free flowing long skirts, halter top, cute head-tie, and walk down to the water. At the water I am at peace. I sing, I dance, I pray, I meditate and I see the things to come...

Did you enjoy my early morning manifestation story? I know I did! I make it a priority to write one of these stories before I start my day. I keep it in a journal that I call, My Life’s Creation. I'm deliberately creating the life that I want through my writings. Did you know that you have the power to do that? I can look back and read some of my intentions and am always amazed to see me living them out here and now in my reality. It motivates me to create more of what I want in my life. It also reassures the power that I have to do so and keeps me in a state of always turning my attention to those things that are wonderful in my life.

If you would like to start your own manifestation journal and don’t know where to begin, here are a few pointers:
  • #1 Be deliberate about it! Focus on what you want and only that. If it sounds to good to be true, write it! If you are having a hard time believing right now, write it! Writing it down with deliberate focus is power in and of itself to bring it into your here and now.
  • #2 If it feels good then it’s a clear indicator that that’s what you want. It's your pleasure so claim it. It's what you desire so be proud of it!
  • #3 Act like it’s happening now, don’t wait for it to happen, act it. Own it like if you had it today! Walk in it like you already have it. You will attract what you want if you are ready for it and the only way you will be ready for it is if you believe it is real.
When I first got started it was a whole lot of fun coming up with  a huge list of my dreams, hopes, desires and aspirations. All of the  things that I used to believe I couldn't have I put on my list and then create all of my stories. I'm a firm believer that this will work.  I no longer believe that I can't have them.  Who says that I have to believe that crap anymore? Who says that you have to believe someone or something telling you that you can’t have what your heart desires? The only thing stopping you from having everything you want is the little voice in between your ears. I know it may sound like a cliché but it’s true. The other day on my Facebook page, I made an update that said, “What we think, we become.” This is so true and not to be taken lightly. 

When we finally accept this for ourselves it will come with a humongous amount of responsibility and it will force us to start paying attention to our thoughts.
Take a look around you, you have created everything in your life right now whether you believe that or not and if you want better you have to begin to think that better is here for you. You can not leave it up to anyone else or something else to create the life you want. You have to focus your energy and time in creating the life you dream of having as if it were the very oxygen you breathe.
Now, with that in mind don’t wait, begin today to type or write down the life you want so desperately to have. Get buck wild with it, it’s your life! It doesn’t matter what it is. If you have children who behave badly, write down that you see them having good manners and acting “right”, so that every time you go out in public people are compelled to compliment you. If you have a husband that doesn’t help out enough, write down that you see him getting up every Saturday morning, before you, to get the chores started. If you have a wife that doesn’t like to go out with you, write down you seeing her dressed and ready every weekend to go out and party like a rock star with you. It doesn’t matter what you want, just be intentionally deliberate about it. You have to mean it and believe it!
While you are in your motion of your deliberate intentions begin to notice things shifting in the direction of your manifestations. Begin to appreciate what’s new in your life and as always things will continue to unfold. Life will begin to open up for you in ways that are so different from the old ways that you will have to acknowledge the change. You will want to welcome the change. Love yourself enough to change the things you don’t want and like in your life. It doesn’t matter how old you are or young, this is the law of life. You will get out of it what you put into it, believe that!

Be Blessed!
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  1. Lisaaaaa....just.perfect. I LOVE THIS POST, and even more, I love that you know the reality that is deliberate creation of the life we want to lead. I look at some of my creation lists, and I grin (and sometimes laugh out loud, then start a prayer of gratitude) at just how precisely Kris (my hubs) and I have created the life we now live. I mean, to a T sometimes, and it feels good that Creator has granted us this much power! I applaud you for using this forum to remind your readers of just how much say we have in how our lives unfold. Enjoy your beach house stay...I'm envisioning my trip to the beach this December as I type :)

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I needed to be reminded of this. Thank you. I'm glad I stopped by this morning.

    :::visiting from SITS:::

  3. Thank you so much for this post! I never knew about a "manifestation journal" but it's something I'm now very interested in trying. There are so many things I want for my life and I am willing to try anything that will help me reach my goals! Thanks again, I'm so happy to have found your blog and you're in my area too!

  4. What a beautiful, inspiring post! Wonderful words to take with me. Thank you.

    I'm so glad I stopped by from SITS this morning to say hi! hope you'll do the same.

  5. FABulous post! I used to feel this way and have strayed from being positive. This was perfect in assisting me to get back on track. I don't keep a journal like that, but I do have a vision board, which is sort of the same thing just more visual then written. Well, some of both I guess. I'm going to write an eHow article about it soon.

    Now, let's get down to business, when can I come to the beach house? ;)

  6. Ladies, Ladies ~ Your words has touched me to my core! Wow, and just when you think no one is there, thank you ~ Jayne, Ms. Smiley & Eva, welcome to Lisa C's!!

    Akilah ~ You, me, your hubby and mine have got to get together soon!! Wow...we are on the same vibration, I can definitely feel it. We will be meeting on that beach together! ;-)

    Jayne ~ Thanks for stopping by fellow SITS'n :) I enjoyed reading your post and wishing you all the wellness that I have to offer. Knowing that just because you came by, it has already begun!

    Ms. Smiley ~ I'm very happy that you are going to begin your stories. Just wait until you see them manifesting, it'll be awesome! Following you on Twitter now! Getting back to posting sounds familiar to me at times. But, that's the beauty of blogging, you can take breaks when you need to then get back on the hoarse again! Your guest blog post over at, Affluent Pauper was great! Love the detailed comparison to Whole Foods vs. Trader Joe's! Send me an email, let me know what area you're in.

    Eva ~ These words came to me early in the morning and I just allowed it to flow in hopes of it touching someone, anyone. Thanks for letting me know that it touched you! I love, love, love your pictures of Maine, can't wait to visit such a beautiful state. You gave me that appreciation through your pictures :)

    Petula ~ I'm glad we have reconnect, your stuff is good, gurl....LOL!! Me, you and Akilah will be getting our chill on at the beach house, I can see it now :) Wait, we need lots more girlfriends though to make it a real party!!! Can't wait :)

    Donna ~ Thanks! :) Your waistband came out lovely, can't wait to see more!!

  7. Ok Lisa, I am just loving these posts. You always use the perfect words.I wish I lived near you. One of these day I am going to meet you :)

  8. Tricia ~ Muah, Muah, Muah :) So glad you liked it! And, because you said it, it will be done! We will meet face to face :)

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Wow! Lisa, I tell you I have stumbled upon a gold mine in your blog. Everything happens for a reason. This is the exact message that has been ringing through my ears and pulling at my spirit for awhile. I've just recently decided to finally truly stop, take note and listen. Through your post, that message continues to speak to me. Thanks for sharing! And an EXCELLENT idea on the manifestation journal. I will definitely take that up. I am encouraged! Thanks!

  10. Yes ma'am.

    This is my first time here and I love it. What a great way to start my day.


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