The Wind Has Blown My Petal Again

flower I’m eating a delicious cucumber salad that I made with fresh organic cucumbers from my Dad’s garden, hmm hmm good. He really has a hand at what he does. I can’t wait to start mine!

My husband is home, well not really. He’s here in Atlanta but not at home, at work. I picked him up from the train station because he took the train from the airport. I brought him clothes and a bottle of Alkaline Water (which he hasn’t had since he left on Tuesday), the only water we drink. I took him to work and now waiting until he calls for me to pick him up. Talk about a kiss and ride situation. He got in the van, kissed everyone and we dropped him off.

Everything happened so fast. My husband has been looking for work in between us running our businesses. He found this job online about 3 weeks ago. He sent them his resume, they called him in for an interview and then a week later he had a second interview and then a week after that he’s flying to Baltimore! It’s been a long time since he’s worked outside of the home, over a year to be exact.

Last week we got to spend everyday with him as we got up early to take his Aunt (who was visiting from St. Thomas) around Atlanta. It was great! It was like we were being prepared, even given the opportunity to spend all that time together before this. Saturday we took the kids to an animal farm and they loved it. Sunday we visited our first Hindu Temple and it was wonderful. Sunday was also his birthday which he said was one of the best birthday’s he’s ever had. We got up in the morning and he cooked us breakfast, he wouldn’t have had it any other way. He believes that on your birthday you should serve those you love. By doing this you are showing them your appreciation of them as they celebrate you. It’s a new philosophy that he’s come to terms with, I think it’s brilliant!

We then spent time with our children meditating and speaking about our future, hopes, dreams, desires and what we are manifesting individually and collectively. It was a peaceful day. We went to the Hindu Temple in the evening. We were invited by friends; so glad for the experience. After the service they fed everyone. I wondered if they were going to have enough food but they had more than enough. All of the dishes were vegetarian and they were so, so good. (We were familiar with many of the dishes as Indian cooking style is similar to the Trinidadian cooking style we both grew up on and still cook today). They have a restaurant on the back side of the temple where they serve Indian, Chinese and Italian dishes. I’ve eaten their before because it’s right across from the place that I take my Yoga classes. We will visit the temple again as everyone enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to the learning experience. After we put the kids to bed we went out to have some adult fun! I love the night, city lights, and all of the creative things you can find to do without the kids!

I couldn’t have asked for a better week to prepare us for our new change. All Is Well ~

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  1. I love the 'serve others' birthday philosophy! It's so different from the normal celebrate ME outlook.

  2. Glad all is well with you, D & the posse! How is he liking this working outside of the home after so long?
    Peace & Love!

  3. Sounds like things are going very well for you all and I am so happy for you!

  4. for you...

  5. Momsweb ~ Yes! It's just like him to stand against the grain with how he thinks. I love him for that! He teaches us so well.

    Regina ~ We are doing well with a few tears hear and there from both me and the kids...LOL. He likes it. It's an opportunity that he got hired for just based on his experience in that area. He's going to do great!

    Shelly ~ Thanks for being there girlie!!

    Redhead Riter ~ Welcome to Lisa C's! Thanks for the gift!


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