Womaste – I See The Woman In You

“Many years ago, I found myself asking Spirit what it would take to save the world. And the answer came clearly and immediately: a lot of enlightened women.”~ Leslie Temple Thurston
I have come to realize that my light, joy, happiness is in direct correlation to me knowing who I am and sharing that with you in my own form of expression. My womantra (my own personal statement as a women) is my own expression of who I see of me and how I express it outwardly. My gifts, insight, wisdom comes from a source that is within that radiates through me and all that I am. Over the course of my life I knew that I was special. I couldn’t quite explain it fully and looking back now there were many a times when I was frustrated because I couldn’t put it into words. I did however, discover that there are not enough words to describe my fullness and so I’ve come to appreciate the power of my own creative expression.
I’ve been on a continual quest of feeding my feminine energy, remaining in a state of bliss, being open, allowing and helping others to do the same. I’ve come to a glorious conclusion and have made a promise to myself that has helped me along the way in my quest. My conclusion states that my well-being is contingent upon how confident and joyful I am and can continually become. The promise that I made to myself is to remind myself of this each and everyday for the rest of my time here in this physical realm until the time of my transition to the non-physical. As the layers of my being begin to unfold and as I remind myself of this daily I am amazed at all that is and all the power that is revealed. My awareness is expanded and I welcome the growth.
The quote above has a delicate way of expressing the power we as women hold. If only all women were aware of this power then happiness and joy wouldn’t be so elusive. Women hold the key to happiness throughout the world. That key is first knowing this truth and accepting this truth for yourself. Secondly, finding all possible ways to remain in a state of joy and bliss, eagerly allowing your pleasures to be your guide. Thirdly, being open to sharing your happiness and joy with others. I’m sure many of you know and have been around unhappy women and you know how her unhappiness can spread to you (if you allow it to). I believe that many women haven’t even seen what a happy, radiant woman looks like let alone know how to be one herself. It takes practice, courage and an acknowledgement of how important it is to being this way. It takes a desire to allow your desires to lead you to this state of being.
The lie is that being unhappy is the way that we have to be and that being miserable is our fate. The truth is becoming enlightened to a realization of who we are as women, understanding the privilege of being a woman, living a full life full of joy and light, being turned on rather than off, joyful rather than pissed off, loving rather than being mean, open rather than being closed.
Women, learn to smile and not be afraid of smiling. Smiles are contagious and makes you feel so good to the point of you wanting give that gift to another. I understand that what stops many women from being this way is fear. Fear of being “out there” by yourself. I know the pressure of feeling like you can’t be happy because your girlfriends are not. I know how you avoid being joyful afraid of being looked at like you’re showing off. You’ve got a wonderful gift and it’s ok to let it show and be a blessing to someone else. It’s not a bad thing to be radiant and happy and acting it out at all times. Be the women who enjoys her life and takes every opportunity to celebrate it and express it to your fullest.
In joy and light ~ Womaste - The woman in me sees the woman in you!
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  1. Awesome post! Beautiful picture!

  2. Wonderful words! Looooved it!

  3. Momsweb ~ Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Regina ~ As always, thank you!


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