It’s Just Like Magic!

Last Friday night I had an all ladies event and we had a blast!! I love to get together with women, men, kids…whoever would love to have fun and enjoy my company. Growing up watching my Aunt’s and Uncle’s have a grand ole time at parties, dancing, drinking and having fun just sparked something in my bones to always want it! Especially the fact that my family is from the West Indies, Trinidad at that, I’ve got Trini in me bones!! LOL! It really doesn’t matter what kind of party/event, I aim to have a good time and that’s what I did Friday and Saturday night (post about Saturday night coming soon).
My event on Friday was all about showing these pretty ladies how they can lose 3 sizes in 10 minutes without starvation or surgery. This thing is crazy ya’ll!! And blowing up in the ATL!!
A few weeks ago a friend of mine introduced it to me and then when I went to get my hair done my loctician mentioned it to me. Then after that I heard about it again and that’s when I said I want a piece of it too. It’s called the Bodymagic!  You might have heard of it already and if not this will not be the last time.
I invited what I thought was a good number of friends because if you’re familiar with throwing parties, events, presentations or any type of gathering you would know you have to invite many and hope for the best. I’ve also learned that whoever shows up was meant to show up and who ever didn’t, well. . . there’s always next time :) Trust me, there will be a next time!
The ladies that came had a fabulous time and from their own words loved what they saw and experienced, talk about transformation right before their eyes!!
Every lady said that when they put it on it made them feel great inside and out. For the others looking on we could tell the difference from when they had it on and then when they took it off in their confidence level. Are you a woman who has problem areas, feels like you need/want to drop a few sizes and need a boost in your self esteem? I don’t think that leaves many of us out, now does it? It’s perfectly ok to have these desires and then decide to do something about it. For me, being a mother of five I do have areas that I want to improve on and I know the work it will take to get me there. Am I willing to put in the work? Sure and if I find something that will assist me in that would I wear it? Absolutely!
The BodyMagic is extremely comfortable to wear. Not like many other undergarments that confine your breathing and make you feel stuffed. This is different and after a few times of wearing it consistently many women experience natural weight loss. Why? Because the more you wear it the more your body starts to be reshaped and molded. The BodyMagic also helps with your posture. It was designed by an Orthopedic Surgeon because many women suffer with bad posture. Especially if you’ve had the pleasure of breastfeeding, you know how important it is to remind yourself to sit up straight; or if you’ve had the pleasure of being pregnant you know what that can do to your back.

I’m for anything that brings sexy back to a woman! Can you imagine ladies feeling good about themselves, being able to strut their stuff, flaunt it like it’s hot and know they look good!! Damn! Their confidence will be through the roof! Talk about happy women giving out the goodness that they feel on the inside!! I love it! And their Man would love it too! As a matter of fact the men that are familiar with the BodyMagic have encouraged their ladies to wear it because they know the difference and see the difference in their woman and they want more of it. Ladies, I am more than able and ready to help you bring your sexy back, feel good outside and inside, put smiles on your face and make your Man want more! 


  1. Sounds like mad fun. I miss getting together with my friends in Mass. :)


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