Starting Over

28_magnolia_swanlake_350x350 So many of us go through life unfulfilled in our relationships; be it friends, lovers, co-workers and even the relationship that we have with ourselves. The reasons vary from not having close relationships with our parents to being hurt by someone we cared deeply about to pretending to be someone we’re not just for the sake others. Completely untrue to who we really are.

One of the biggest reasons is fear. Tell the truth, isn’t it fear that keeps you from living your true authentic life? Isn’t it fear that keeps you in that unfulfilling relationship? Isn’t it fear that keeps you hiding who you really are? Let me ask you a few questions? - What if you found the courage to be the person you know in your heart you desire to be? What if you found the courage to journey down a road less traveled but knew you had to go because you were being pulled in that direction? What if the universe was sending you signs and putting people in your life that encouraged that freedom and growth?

Here’s some more questions for you. What if you decide not to go? Where would you be? Is it where you are right now? Stuck, living in fear. Living an inauthentic life? Have you lost your passion for life because of it? If this is you it’s not too late to begin again. Breathe in new life. Move towards your destiny instead of away from it. Be the person you want to be. Be with the person/people who you truly want to be with. Love like you know you can. Allow life to flow like it wants to. Enjoy a new life like your heart, mind and soul depend on it. Open up to receiving all that the universe has for you. If you do you will be free ~

Peace n Love ~

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  1. Yes, we must be ourselves and be true to ourselves and instead of letting fear hold us back if we are afraid then we should use it to propel us forward to do that thing or accept a piece of ourselves that will indeed help us along this journey called life.. I agree Lisa!!! this was an awesome post!!

  2. I used to want to be an international "call girl" or a Las Vegas showgirl headliner. I'd probably be "retired" now. . . . Don't mind me girl, I was an imaginative youth. LOL

  3. Love this. Really inspiring. My first time here. Looking forward to reading more...

    Winks & Smiles,

  4. fear is a killer and all i can say is good post

  5. Great post! This message needs to be reiterated from time to time, and I'm glad you did it here. My perspective is that I acknowledge fear, I might even touch it, but I work towards deciding in each moment, NOT to take fear in as a roommate, but to look at it as a fast-walking passer-by and let it keep on movin'. Thanks for sharing!

  6. What a wonderfully thought-provoking post! So true that 'fear' tends to hold us back from who we are and what we can be...nicely written! :)

    Stopping by from the MBC Follow Me Club - nice to 'meet' you, I'm your newest follower! :)

  7. Lisa, wow I love this post. We have so much power in our lives. I am one of your followers :)

  8. I love your empowering posts! This is Cherrie of I'm A Hot Mom following you from MBC Follow Me Club.

  9. Fear is not easy to confront. Fear of losing those close to you as you begin to live your "authentic" life could be a major roadblock.

  10. Anonymous2:37 PM


    I am now a follower:)


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