Spring Cleaning Mother Daughter Style!

We had a beautiful night! My oldest daughter and I bonded, cried and allowed love to flow freely. This girl is amazing! She continues to teach me and inspire me to keep doing my BEST!
Our night started with a very simple conversation about online social networks. David D. (hubby) and I have been thinking about helping her to get started online. She talked to us about her likes and dislikes about the idea and at the end realized that she wanted / needed to begin. She’s in the process of writing her second book and we’re thinking that this would be a good avenue for her to introduce herself. She told us that she’s ready and that she realizes that she needs our help. After our talk she started sharing some of her fears with me and immediately without thinking about it I opened my heart and shared with her some of my fears and how she’s not alone. We all have fears and emotions that need to be dealt with. It’s a process, and if you’re willing you can overcome them. I thought this was a perfect opportunity to have one on one time with her.
We started off with an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session, where the healing began! It was beautiful! I’ve been studying EFT for about four months now and I am an absolute believer of it’s powers to heal. When I first tried it on myself I was open and willing to whatever the results would be. Well, actually I was bit uncertain of it really working. I wasn’t sure that by simply taping on certain places of the body and saying certain key words repeatedly could actually release and bring about emotional healing. The wonderful thing about it is you don’t have to believe it’s going to work, it just does. Then we went into a meditation session that begin with an OM Mantra we learned in our Yoga class. We’ve been taking Yoga since last year and have benefited so much from the practice. It’s a great way to center yourself, find peace and release. We then went in to a state of trance where we said out loud things we want to attract/manifest in our lives coupled with positive affirmations. David started playing the song Ima A Diva, by Beyonce…lol. We giggled, laughed, hugged and loved on each other. At one point she grabbed her belly and said, OMG, this feels so good! This came after we started inhaling and exhaling, letting it all out. On the exhale we let out very feminine sounds/moans, that of course made her giggle even more. We said YES! last night! Yes to embracing our fears and allowing them to come and GO. Allowing ourselves to let the fear go and not own it! I teach my daughters how to embrace their femininity. Yes, even my 7 and 4 year old girls! I’m teaching them from young be proud of who they are as females and to understand the power of feminine energy. I teach them to be sweet! Not sour. I teach them to be gentle and soft, feminine!
I didn’t always know about this. I mean I knew about being gentle, loving, submissive, kind, and sweet to my Man. I’ve intuitively known how to be like this ever since I got married, however I’m just learning about feminine energy and the power it holds. So naturally as I learn I teach them. My girls have always seen their Mother be gentle and feminine with their Daddy, that’s a given, but to KNOW that I can manifest as a Woman anything and everything my heart desires is mind blowing, true, and indeed attainable. I’m ready for it and I’m preparing my daughters to do the same.
There is nothing like being able to hold your daughter, cry with your daughter (tears of joy) and connect with your TEENAGE daughter! I talk to so many Mother’s who are simply heart broken about their teenage daughters not opening up and sharing what’s going on with them. It’s an epidemic! With so many ways to communicate through technology and keep up with “friends” our children are no longer coming to us. They are going to others and that’s not what we want.
My daughter told me she slept better last night than she’s slept in a very long time. Do you know how many times she told me thank you? Thank you Mommy for giving me…YOU! Thank you Mommy for taking the time to connect with me. Thank you Mommy for LOVING ME! It was like music to my ears. She said she is looking forward to our next night of feminine bliss. I looked at her and said, it’s all my pleasure. It really is my pleasure to even have the opportunity to be her mother. That’s the pleasure that I have! This girl is incredible! And because she’s my mirror I understand that what she experiences I too have the same experiences. Her fears, doubts and even insecurities are my own and I understand how I can help her to release those things by releasing those things in me.
This morning I woke up a little heavy. I was dreaming all night and felt many emotions flowing through me and so I called on her to hug and hold me. You see that’s her now being able to give back to me the things I’ve put in to her. We have a dynamic relationship, one that I treasure deeply. This evening she came running back to me and said, Mommy, those feelings are coming back again what do I do? And, so I had the pleasure of giving to her, filling her with love and bliss and helping her to overcome, again. It’s the power of feminine energy and mother daughter love ~
Be Blessed ~
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  1. That is beautiful, Ms. Lisa! I admire the energy between you and your daughter...I feel that just from reading this...just beautiful!

  2. Wow, that's great you oldest feels comfortable talking openly to you (and you to her). Lawd knows I need to be more open with all these girls I got running around here. *chuckle*

    You're daughter is BEAUTIFUL. (she looks just like you *wink*)

  3. You and your daughter have a beautiful relationship. Many Mamas would envy what you have. Keep it growing. I love your new header of your gorgeous family. Keep on keeping on lady!

  4. What a beautiful story about you and your daughter. So special. It's so important to have those kinds of connections.

    I am following your from the mbc.

  5. Such a touching story. I have two daughters and just love my relationship with each of them.

  6. What a beautiful story and what a lovely daughter you and the hubby have raised!

  7. What an amazing experience to share with your daughter. I have an 11 year old daughter and I am grateful that she feels comfortable coming to me about anything. I would love to take our relationship deeper as you have expressed in this post. Thank you for sharing!

  8. What a beautiful young lady, cherish those moments, because they grow so fast.

  9. Awww that is too sweet. YOu and your daughter have an amazing relationship. :)

  10. Wow Lisa, this was a powerful post. I always look forward to visiting you and learning something new. I have three daughters and would love to have that "deep" of a connection with them. I have never heard of EFT but I definitely want to learn more. Thank you :)

  11. Wow--what a beautiful, inspiring post. I hope you share more of this with us--we could all stand more tips on how to connect with our daughters in such a lovely way.

  12. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Your website neds more growth and yor family should be kept private nobody cares.

  13. Anonymous11:56 PM

    This is so special, as I read, I could feel the connection you have with your daughter. Blissful.


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