Open To Orgasm

"As quite as a whisper, in the distance I feel you coming near. I can hear you through the beat of my heart, as you become more and more clear. As the sound begins to rumble and build within my being, I open myself up and begin to receive. Receive true, deep, long lasting, expanded orgasm."  

~Lisa R Charles

Sorry to keep you waiting….As promised here’s part - 2 on what we experienced at the Tantric Sex event that I blogged about here. 

During the event JuJuMama helped the female participants learn how to open up to experiencing Orgasm. She shared with us what she calls the five stages to Orgasm which she believes any woman can successfully achieve.  

I will share with you each stage and then I will expound on it to give you a clearer, more vivid visualization on how to progress one step at a time. My King and I have been practicing Tantra for the past 4 years and I can honestly say that we have a much more fulfilling intimate relationship because of it. Tantra has been something I had desired to get in to for a long time because I was looking for new ways to keep the fire going in our relationship. I wanted to grow. I wanted us to expand our intimate relations.  

Since then, we've learned that there are many different schools of thought on Tantra and expanded orgasm. If this is an area you would like to delve in to and learn more about, these steps could be a great start for you to begin practicing. If you desire to spice up things in your love life and bedroom, start here as well and build on it. Don't just stop here. Continue to research, go to seminars, read books, speak with individuals who are doing this work. All it takes is a willingness, and open heart, and a level of excitement about the possibilities that are before you. 

My thoughts are in bold italic writing. 

Let us begin...

Stage One: Grow ~ Begin to see your man as a mirror. Nothing he says or does is personal. Nothing that happens is against you. Enjoy the world of your relationship without confrontation, worry, sadness or want. See your reflection in him and become tolerant. Action = Open to love!

 As we begin to move in and through our relationships remember to become open to all that your lover has to offer and who he is. We are not perfect just perfectly ourselves, perfectly who we are. When we look upon your Lover know that he is you and you are him. Know that you two share a oneness that makes up the two of you. 

 Stage Two: Flow ~ Allow his energy to direct your flow. Begin to get under him. Allow him to take the lead in love. Men say they want an aggressive woman, what they mean is that they want a receptive woman. Action = Create a Sacred Love Sanctuary!

Submission is truly the essence of our strength, courage, and power we women posses. Submission opens the way for new life, new opportunities to be born. Submission, when allowed creates space for growth. Submissions promotes healing. Submission opens you up to receive. During this time of intimacy you want to receive from your Lover. You want to become open to his gifts to bless you. 
Open up for your Man. Allow your Man to love you, love ALL of you.

Stage Three: Show ~ Allow body breath. Allow body movement and sound. Practice this on your own. You must show your man that you are ready for his love. You are ready to receive. Action = As he moves to you, take your breath and breathe out an AH. This will signal your openness!

Now that you’re open and ready for his love, allow yourself to be heard. Moan, groan, say AH. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to feel deeply. Move your body around. Relax and allow you limbs to freely move about. Become a sensual Lover who is clearly ready to receive. Touch your body and show him that you’re ready.

Stage Four: Know ~ Know what is happening within. Be in touch with spirit. Once love is in the making, decide to know what is going on within. Do not focus on pleasing him. Focus, instead, on knowing what he is giving and knowing how you feel inside. Action = Eye gazing –visualization – speaking what you are feeling – share your visualization. This will bring purpose to the act.

No more room for insecurities and inhibitions right now. Allow yourself to be his - fully and completely. You have shown him that you are ready. Open your mouth as say so. He’ll now know for sure that you are ready to allow him to do what he desires to do which is to give you his all

He is now more in tune with you. He's using all of his senses at the moment. He sees you. He smells you. He's tasting you. He's touching you. And, he's hearing you. This will no doubt heat him up and make space for him to be free and vulnerable with your receptiveness. 
With everything in him he’s going to go for the kill. He's going to go after pleasing you to your fullest. But, only if you let him. 

Stage Five: Bestow ~Show your man appreciation. Compliment your partner; find the good parts of his love. Bestow your respect and appreciation. In this way, Women become Goddesses and Men become a Gods. When you boost him up in love, even if it feels ‘fake’; someday it will be real. When you tell him how fantastic you feel and how wonderful making love with him is and how you yearn for more, he will not only be made more readily available to you, but trust will be born in the relationship. Action = Bestow positive feelings about your man often. List the ways you respect him. Express WHY you respect him, share WHY you enjoy his love.

Open up you mouth and say, "Thank you! You are Amazing! You are my King! You make me feel good! I am so proud of you! I appreciate all that you do, all that you are and all that you are helping me to become! I need you! I’m happy that we are one! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"
 Give him some love, especially when you don’t feel like it. Respect him, especially when it feels like the hardest thing to do.

Wow! That felt amazing, didn't it Ladies and Gents? It did for me.
Every now and again I have to reread this and remind myself of these powerful acts of love while making love and implement them. I know the difference it makes in our love life. I know how it makes my King feel and how it makes me feel being able to be so open, moist, and freely receiving. 

Ladies, I do want you to understand that this will take practice and exercised patience with yourself in order to completely let go, open up, and receive the ultimate experience of bliss and pleasure from your significant other. Remember, baby steps, okay.

You'll have to put in the work if you want to receive the desired benefits of this kind of organic exchange. It is possible, I know it is. 

Now, I would love to hear from some men on this subject. What are your thoughts? Do you think that by taking these steps it would help your woman to be more in tune and in touch with her sensuality and sexuality? How would it help you?

Women, what do you think? Would these steps help you to become more ready and open to receiving all that is available to you from your Man?

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  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Nice. Opening to Orgasm is like learning to live for the first time. When we decide to become a receptor for joy, joy becomes a possibility for us in each moment of every day. I love it!

    Blissfully yours!

    JujuMama xoxoxo

    1. Exactly, Kenya. This was so good. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. We appreciate you.

  2. Wow!! Thanks for sharing your secrets! It makes sense. Can't wait to try it all out :o)

    1. My pleasure! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm excited to hear you're going to give it a try.

  3. Good point about a man wanting an aggressive woman - what we are really looking for is a responsive woman. Aggressive women show movement and are action oriented. This is also a sign of a willingness to be healed, moved, and not fear the influence of men. As men we want to be the director of those movements and facilitate the creation and healing process through and with women. "Passive" women appear to be unreceptive and difficult to move or influence; thus, men not be as attracted to them.

    It's all good though because we are empowering men to step up and heal all women not just look for instant gratification or the shortest path to fulfilment.

    Peace Always,

    Rakhem Seku
    The BaGua Character Map

    1. Yes, Rakhem, no fear and willingness to be open. I completely agree. My King has helped open me to pleasure in so many ways. I had to be willing to allow him to guide me in order for this to happen. This will help so many relationships.

  4. I think these steps are a good foundation for an intense and much deeper orgasm and should only be applied to those who are deserving.

    As far as the aggressive woman. I feel it is exactly what it states.
    Whether it's for a moment or the entire session. As a man and being in control, I know how to give and prolong my own orgasm by changing a stoke, a certain angle or position. But, lets say she is on top and is riding to her own wave. She is doing what is good to her and at this point I am just a vessel for her pleasure. She is the aggressor and has control. So as I build up, I no longer am able to adjust to prolong, which reverses the roles and allows me to reciprocate the 5 stages in this post.

    1. Yes, yes, yes, Osage Lee. Exactly. You then become the receiver enjoying her gift of pleasure to you. Matter love understands the give and take.


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