Raw Dog With Wine

Today the hubster and I had a full day to work, play and visit with a fellow blogger, Rawdawg Buffalo! It was a great visit! D. dropped the kids to his Mom early this morning and that gave me a chance to sleep in late which I appreciated so much. We were planning on dropping them off together but some people just don’t know when to go to bed so that means some people are not getting the sufficient amount of sleep she should be getting. When will I learn, Ha! So D. got the kids up and dressed, leaned over kissed me and told me to get some rest and he’ll take the kids, alone, for the 45min drive to Grandma’s. This gave me an opportunity to meditate and do some chakra balancing. I can’t tell you how much this has helped to bring healing and centeredness to my being. I’ll share more with you on this topic and how much it’s done for me at a later time.
March 26 09 007 
Torrance Stevens, aka Rawdawg Buffalo is an awesome blogger, author, father,friend and owner of Brain Cell, A Store For Dogs! Many of you who read my blog know him as well so you too would agree with what I’m saying. Rawdawg speaks his mind, is very “as a matter of fact” and doesn’t hold anything back, just real. And that’s why so many people like to read what he has to say.
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We had a good visit! We laughed, took pictures and listened to a few of his original beats from years ago. I’m talking from the early 90’s :) He’s so candid and cool. Meeting him was no different than reading him through his blog, same cool cat. It just is what it is with him. Our conversations was much like what you would get when reading his blog, funny as hell, interesting and that occasional pause you would have to take after Torrance says something, deep I tell ya..LOL.
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We also got a chance to meet Famous, his cute little Chihuahua who thought he was a  pit bull…lol.  The store is fabulous! If you like dressing you little pooch in cute cloths, he’s got it! If you would like to feed your canine friend some of the finest foods, he’s got it! Toys, collars, bags, he’s got it! And, if you ever just wanna chill, sip on whatever the alcoholic beverage choice of the day is, listen to some good music and even watch Rawdawg tweet on twitter, he’s got it! We even had the pleasure of meeting two of his friends who came through because they heard the music playing from down the street.
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Don’t just take my word, you should go and check him out. Brain Cell is located at 572 Edgewood Ave. in Atlanta GA.
Torrance we’ve been trying to hook up for a minute now, I’m glad we finally did! Keep up the great work, Bro! Another good black Man just doing his thang!
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  1. That is great! Raw Dawg is a trip! I would only expect just the things you said about him :) I think it's so cool to actually meet some of the bloggers you have gotten to "know" for some time. I hope to do just that in the near future. Thanks for sharing Lisa and I LOVE your new flashing header. How cool is that?!

  2. Love the new header! Raw Dawg is da BOMB, yo! I read his blog all the time. How cool is that! That Man is doing his thang - nothing wrong with that at all. :)


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