Chisel. Chisel. Chisel. Chisel. Chisel.

In my last post I told you that I would share with you a book that I've been reading. The name of the book is called 'How Did I Get Here?' The words that follow below come from a page in that book. It describes me to a tee, it may be the same for many of you as well ~

It reads:

Who Is The Real Me?

The moment you are being, you're nobody but yourself. To be nobody but yourself-in a world which is doing it's best to make you everybody else . . . is the most wonderful life on earth.

- e. e. cummings

Take a pause on that quote for a little before moving forward, OK, read on.

Here is my truth about the real me.

The Real Me:

Sometimes I love being with people. Sometimes I flee from company and can bear only silence.

Sometimes I am sure people see my gifts, my wisdom and my light. Sometimes I think people have no clue as to who I really am.

Sometimes I will forgive and forgive and forgive and forgive no matter what someone does to me. Sometimes a line is crossed, and I close the door.

Sometimes I am the ancient goddess with the power of the universe flowing through me. Sometimes I am an insecure, wonded little girl afraid to make a phone call.

Sometimes I have infinite patience and compassion for everyone's choices. Sometimes how people live and behave makes me ill.

Sometimes I see the perfection of life and purposefulness in everyone and everything. Sometimes I think the world is just a screwed-up place.

Sometimes I want to serve the planet with every waking breath I take. Sometimes I want to cash in my retirement account and go live on a tiny tropical island where I have no responsiblities, no communities and no purpose other than to enjoy - each - and - every - glorious - day.

All of these are the REAL me. Some parts I am quite fond of. Some parts are nothing but trouble. Some parts make people admire me. Some parts make people wonder about me. Some parts I am certain I should have included in my list. Some parts . . . well, I am nothing if not authentic!

As I learn to accept and honor each of these pieces of myself, I experience an exquisite sense of wholeness for which I realize I have been searching for all of my life.

I used to pray, please make me successful, please give me energy to keep up with my kids, please help me write a great book. Now I pray for one thing: please fill my heart with enough love to embrace all that I am, and all that others are.

Chisel Chisel Chisel...

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