Seven Years & I've Been Blessed

~Happy Birthday Princess~

She turned 7 today, 7! She was my first c-section baby...oh how I cried. I can remember being angry, thinking to myself...I failed. She was 9lbs 3oz, I know...big baby for a little lady. Did I eat to much? I tried to figure out how she came to be so big. Then I figured it happens!

Failed...I did NOT! She's my beautiful, big, trendsetter, go girl :)

She got her first library card yesterday, she is so proud. "Mommy, I'm going to be responsible for my books and my card". I told her that I'm counting on her to keep her word because your word is sometimes all you have.

Tonight, before midnight, she said her older brother and sister told her that she's never gonna be 6 again. I asked her what does she think about that? She said, "I'm going to say a pray for me because this is the last day I'll be 6 and I want to be happy about turning 7".

Lesson Learned: Saying goodbye to yesterday and looking ahead to tomorrow can make all the difference in the world!

Let go and live life ~

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  1. look at the big 7 year old! Happy birthday Gabby!! She is so sweet and I am sure you had a lot to do with that Lisa :) Glad to see you blogging. I love the kiddy updates.

  2. Aw, look at her. Happy Birthday baby. And you should count your blessings that you didn't have to give birth to her in the "conventional" manner. Can we say "ouch"!

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Happy Birthday Gabby! Sounds like you're more than ready for the transition into a new year of life...good for you!

    Lisa, it's always wonderful to see a post from you. Know that you're missed when you're away!

    Renee, I don't know if there are too many circumstances when I would consider the pain of "conventional" childbirth better than the pain associated with major surgery, and the 6 weeks it takes to recover from it. Trust me...and Lisa on this one.

    God Bless You All!

  4. Happy Birthday to your baby!! What a beautiful little lady she is!
    I know God has awesome things in store for her!

  5. Happy Birthday big girl! 7 years of bliss I'm sure Mommy and Daddy are saying. :) She is a DOLL!

  6. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Happy B-day!

  7. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Happy Happy Birthday!!! Isn't she lovely :)

  8. Wow, that was an amazing lesson from a seven year old. God uses whom ever he wants to use to get his point across. Never too young and/or never too old. She is beautiful!!

  9. Awww... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! She's adorable... How are ya girl, haven't seen ya around in some time.

  10. Happy Birthday Beautiful one

  11. Thanks for the thoughtful words and wishes!!! I will visit everyone in a bit :)

  12. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Please wish her a happy birthday!. She is so beautiful :)

  13. Anonymous1:51 PM

    What a beautiful little princess. You should definitely be glad that God blessed you with such a precious treasure.

  14. Aaawww! That made me smile. What a beautiful spirit she has. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  15. aww, what a cutie

    i was just stopping by, to check if your osf entry was up, but ti looks you haven't updated in a while

    anyway have a gr8 week


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