Looking Ahead!

Testing, Testing...is this thing on? It's so quiet around here I can hear the crickets chirping.
Before I begin, I just want to say that I've turned my commenting feature off, for now. If you have a thought you want to share about my post(s) feel free to send me an email.

Now where was I? Oh yeah...The year 2008 is coming to a close, can you believe it? Where has time gone? Where has this year gone? And what's next?

It's reflection time. Time to think back on the closing year and reflect on what came and went. The good the bad and the not so pretty. What to keep and what not to keep. Who to keep and who not to keep. The new and now the old.

Did you accomplish what you wanted to accomplish this year? Are you looking forward to the new year? Or do you want to stay here because you're not ready or not done yet? Are there still some things left for you to do or to work out?

Everyone feels the embrace of the new year creeping up on them. Some will look at it with joy and anticipation others with less enthusiasm because of the fear of the unknown. We've all been there. Even if it were for a moment.

Here is something to think about as we move into the new year. First, keep an open mind. The world as we know it today will not be the same tomorrow. Things are always changing and will forever be. Keeping an open mind to what's coming next will help to alleviate the stress of not knowing. Which is something we all have to accept; there will be things in life we just don't know.

Next, remember that in change there is always something to learn. You do want to learn, right? Learning is a key to growth and you do want to grow even if you don't like it, want it, or think you can do without it. You need change in order to grow and become a better you.

Lastly, change the way you look at things. Your perception is the key to set you free. Free from old thinking and the way you know things to be. Step outside of yourself for a moment and appreciate life through someone else's view. Maybe this will be the beginning to understanding that special someone who's been *clearing throat* bugging you. *wink*

Here is a quote from one of my favorite and wise teachers.

“When we can accept all of life’s contradictions, when we can comfortably flow between the banks of pleasure and pain, experiencing them both while getting stuck in neither, then we are free.”

~ Deepak Chopra

Until next time,

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