Am I Not Human? (Dec. 2008)

I can only imagine the horrific ordeal this little girl, the same age as my daughter, must have suffered.

Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was stoned to death on October 27, 2008 by a group of 50 men. Why?, Because she was accused of committing adultery which is against Islamic Law. However, according to her father she'd been raped by 3 men, who were never arrested even after Aisha and her father attempted to report the crime to the al-Shabab militia who control Kismayu, Somalia.

1000 spectators watched as Aisha was placed into a hole up to her neck and stoned to her death. She was brought out of the hole up to 3 times to see if she had died. It was told that she submitted to her crime of adultery and willingly accepted her punishment. But onlookers have later said that she went in kicking and screaming for dear life. This is not uncommon in this part of the country where women are falsely accused and then treated as if though they are not human and are put to death in this manner.

I couldn't help but to think of my own child and how helpless and hopeless I would have felt. Not to mention the fact that I would have felt like dying right along with her. What if Aisha were your child?

If you would like to read more of this story and or find out how you can help stop the violence against women, click here.

Thanks to Wayne, from Electronic Village for creating this platform to spread the word about the inhumane crimes against human beings who can't speak for themselves. If you want to join in visit, Roots of Humanity.

Aisha was just one little girl (God only knows how many others) who suffered a tragic death at the hands of people who thought they were right and she were wrong. What if they were wrong? Who's really the judge here?

Have you ever asked yourself why them and not you? It could have easily been you. It could have been my daughter or yours in that hole. But because it wasn't you say it's not your problem it's theirs. Not so! If everyone thought that way how would these people who are less fortunate get help? How would they know someone cared?

If you feel compelled to do something but don't know what, start by simply paying it forward. You may not reach a place like Kismayu, Somalia today but you can reach the heart of the next person you come in contact with. Then, if they do the same thing to another and then another you just might reach a place like Kismayu, Somalia and didn't even know it.

Think about it...and Pay It Forward!

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  1. I had not heard the story of this young girl. Thank you for sharing it with us ... and for participating in our monthly blogging campaign. Please note that Purple Zoe (Ultraviolet Underground) is the power behind this campaign. I'm simply one of the winds beneath her wings...

    peace, Villager

  2. Lisa, this is such a sad horror story. I can't even imagine what I would do if such a thing would happen to one of my daughters. I don't believe that this is God's law in any religion.

    I invite you and your readers to stop by SjP's for this month's entry entitled, am i not human? obodo n'ezu ezu azu nwa.

  3. Dayum. You just brought up a whole mess of feelings and me being reminded of friends as well as family who've been raped an molested by family and "boyfriends". Except they don't physically murder the women in the U.S. - they just kill them mentally and verbally, while the "men" go free.

    It seems women world wide have no rights.


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