An Alternative Way, Take Two...

Joshy is doing a whole lot better and so is TT. Our visit with the holistic pediatrician was wonderful. It was surprising to find out that she not only cares for children but she's licensed to care for adults as well. I made appointments for the rest of us this week. The remedies that she prescribed have been working well and as time passes on I am slowly seeing my children come back to life. Life is exactly what holistic remedies give to us; they don't take away from us. The fevers are gone, the coughing is going away and the congestion is becoming less and less bothersome. They are getting better without us using the usual Tylenol, Motrin and cough syrups so commonly used by so many. All of this without exposing my children to harmful side effects caused by using these commonly used drugs, there is another way.

Our time spent in the emergency room was long and tiring. They treated Joshy with an hour breathing treatment followed by a dose of oral steroid which his body rejected and resulted in him throwing up. They then treated him with another breathing treatment for an hour and then attempted to give him another dose of the oral steroid which his body also rejected. Finally they decided (for time sake) they would give the steroid to him intravenously. Are you kidding me?? I told them I would rather try and give it to him orally one more time because while we were waiting we gave him his water to sip on and fed him some grapes and cantaloupe which he did keep down. They said it would be faster to do it through the needle instead. Was it time for us to go? Did my insurance have a time limit on my head as to how long our stay should be in the emergency room? I’m so fed up with our health care system. If you’ve done your research you would know exactly what I’m talking about. If you don’t know then a good place to start is to watch the film Sicko, by Michael Moore. <--- 19="" a="" check="" div="" it="" link="" out.="" sec.="" take="" this="" to="" video.="" will="" you="">

To our despair they gave it to him anyway. Joshy just laid there when the nurse pushed the needle into his little arm. He didn’t cry, I think it was because the numbing cream worked and both D. and I were holding and comforting him. After she was done he didn’t want to sit up or talk, like he was doing before the medicine. His disposition changed. Before the medicine he was playing peek-a-boo with the nurses, coloring with his sister, and smiling. This was during the time he started wanting to drink more and more of our water. Joshy started looking and acting like himself again. Then after the medicine starting flowing through his blood stream he became very tired and eventually fell asleep.

On our way home you could still hear him breathing heavily. When we got home we put them to bed and stood there watching them sleep. One filled with holistic remedies sleeping just fine and the other filled with prescription drugs still breathing extremely hard. I was given a prescription to fill by the hospital for him but I refused to fill it until I took him to the holistic pediatrician. I haven’t had to fill the prescription and Joshy is doing a whole lot better. Have you guys ever wondered why there is a pharmacy on almost every corner? They are now inside the grocery stores. Why the cures for things like cancer still have not been found but yet we collect endless amount of money for research on finding the cure? If you plan on watching Sicko, please let me know what your thoughts are afterwards. I would love to talk about it. I can go on and on about this but I’m done for now.

The big day is tomorrow! Please if you haven’t done so already, go out and vote tomorrow. Change is here folks, let’s make it happen. YES WE CAN!

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  1. Hey Lisa, I am really glad things worked out with the doctor. I think often that medications can really worsen some symptoms. I hope that all the children will stay healthy and well and that those pesky bugs stay away from you all!

  2. Oh girl, I am sorry to hear about the trip to the ER. I hope Joshy is feeling better now.

  3. a fine young man - mommas always be worried - its their job description

  4. I hope he is doing well...iriegal

  5. I pray that all is better at your place.

    When you get a chance I tagged you at my spot. It's an easy one!

  6. Sorry I haven't been by in awhile. Life's been crazy and I'm trying to get caught up.
    Glad kids are doing better.
    I will check out holistic remedies, son and I suffer from the same allergies. I do not like the side effects of his allergy medicine. I rarely take mine.


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