Go Ahead...Touch My Hands and Kiss My Feet

I'll be honest. This was a pretty tough review for me to write (which is why it has taken me so long). I'm a real stickler for having silky smooth hands and feet, so for years I have grown accustomed to using lotions that provide all the moisture I need. When I find something that works for me and I really like it, I don't put it aside very easily. A few months ago I did a review for another popular shielding lotion, and I was honestly afraid I would not be able to provide as positive an opinion as I did for it. Fortunately I was wrong.

Gloves In A Bottle has done for me every bit of what the company claims it will. I'll spare you the details of how it works here and instead provide this link for you to read at your leisure. The website provides a lot of great information about dry skin and how to treat it. Most impressive was the list of (very) notable companies who use the product, numerous testimonials, and professional endorsements. If you'd like to cut to the chase and see it in action for yourself, just head over to the before and after pictures and check those out.

Having done my thorough investigation, I was ready to try Gloves In A Bottle. It wasn't long before I was totally impressed. I hate thick oily lotions that leave a heavy filmly feel on my skin. This lotion goes on smooth, is very light, and almost seems to soak into your skin. It left my skin feeling hydrated instead of lotioned. Most of all it was great that I only had to use very little of the lotion to get good coverage. If you've got eczema, dry, itchy, cracking or problem skin or are just looking for a good hand and/or body lotion, you've may find tons of choices on the market. I'd strongly recommend that you give Gloves in a Bottle a try. I have seen it work wonders on my own skin, and do what no other lotion could do for an eczema problem a friend had with her young daughter.If you'd like to get your own Gloves In A Bottle, today could be your day. Lisa C Writes is giving away to only one fortunate reader your own 8oz container of Gloves In A Bottle. All you have to do is leave me a comment asking to be entered into the giveaway, then check back on Monday, October 6th for the winning announcement.This giveaway is also opened to non-bloggers. Just remember to send me your contact information: lisac@lisacwrites.com

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  1. please enter me thanks mrs.mommyyatgmail.com

  2. I would love to be entered.


  3. Lisa, with these scaley hands I have from all the times I have to wash hands with baby, I would love to be entered! :-)

  4. Please enter me.
    livlifelov at yahoo dot com

  5. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Winter is practically here where I live and my poor hands and feet need this!

    fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

  6. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I love silky hands and feet, please enter me in the contest. I will send you my email address. Thank you!

  7. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I'd love to be entered into your giveaway...PLEASE!!!!

    It sounds like it'd do wonders to my hands which I definitely need come the winter months ahead.

  8. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I woul love to be entered, thank you!!!

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I'd love to be entered to try this lotion. You make it sound great.

  10. I'd love to be entered!

  11. Thanks everyone!! This giveaway is now closed.

  12. Anonymous5:57 PM

    sad :( it is closed


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