The Bees Are Buzzing This Month

This month the movie, The Secret Life of Bees is coming out and I'm going to see it with a good friend of mine. She called me last night so excited and told me she finished reading the book and loved it! I contemplated for a moment whether or not I should attempt to read it in between all of the reading assignments I already have for school but decided it would be best not to. Although the way she made it sound, it was so tempting. Not only do I have so much to read for school but my rule of thumb has always been to see the movie first and then read the book. By doing it this way I get the details that were left out of the movie, ultimately expounding on the movie and getting to see it twice.

Which do you prefer: reading the book first or reading the book after you have seen the movie?

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  1. book of course i dont go to movies and tell me what is it about. have a gr8 weekend

  2. I really hope this movie is good, I really need to see good movie with black cast members...

  3. I prefer to see the movie first because too many times I read the book first and then the movie dissapoints me. Most movies just can't match the intensity of a good book.
    I've learned the hard way, If I read a book first I wont go see the movie.

  4. I would have to say I like reading book after seeing the movie. If I read the book first, I am disappointed when certain parts don't make it onto the big screen.

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    this movie is good one! nice choice

  6. The movie was amazing!


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