Breaking News - Lisa C Writes, Again!

After going a couple rounds with my registrar over my domain name, I had to go all Laila Ali on them to get it straightened out. I missed you all a bunch! Thanks so much to those who reached out to check on me while the site was down, your thoughts were very inspiring. So there's no chance Lisa C is going anywhere any time soon.

In fact, look out for an announcement of an Exciting New Launch coming very soon!!!

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  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    i have been away myself lisa c, so i am not sure exactly what you were experiencing. as you may know, i was debating on whether or not, i was going to go keep with my 'mind of marcus' blog since i wanted to focus on 'associated mess', i decided to keep 'mind of marcus' and i just renewed my domain name for the site a couple of days ago. it is because of that blog that i have gotten the chance to share my life and thoughts with other great folks, so why give it up :-)

  2. Can't wait for the exciting new launch announcement!

  3. Marcus ~ I completely understand what you mean. You've done so well and made it this far. I'm one of those privileged to have met you through your blog :)

    Regina ~ Me too!! Now it's in writing.

  4. glad you are back Lisa! I look forward to all your new posts!

  5. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Can't wait to see what you have in store for us. :-)

  6. Sheliza ~ I need some more of that coffee just to stay awake and handle this week...LOL.

    Shae-Shae ~ Lady, I'm so glad I started using my reader again. Got rid of the unnecessary so that I can read only the relevant. You are looking good girl!


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