What is the "Perfect" Body Type? - Part 1

D's Perspective: Being the husband of a beautiful woman who has gone through the metamorphosis of motherhood 1,2,3,4,5 times, I am acutely aware of the differences in what women and men think about "ideal" body types. I think a lot of what we buy in to from the U.S. media is brought on by a mental image of a teenage boy living in a man's body. The idea that the ideal woman is built like the teenage girl you had your first crush on is small minded. I think as men mature they begin to look at women differently, learning to appreciate every bump and curve - even the one's women would rather hide. As a husband, there has never been a question as to how sexy my wife was to me, and I have never had expectations of her that were out of some magazine or from some video.

As men grow in maturity they learn to transpose the internal and the external, and the beauty of a woman that lies on the inside is more important to him than the beauty she strives for on the outside. Don't get me wrong, all men want their woman to take care of themselves and be conscious of their looks. A woman that is conscious (not self-conscious) is a more confident woman, and a confident woman is an attractive woman. I believe it's best when there is enough trust in the relationship for both parties to speak honestly about what they desire, and be willing to work together to achieve what makes them both happy. But I insist, a happy woman is usually a very beautiful woman! My 2 cents!

Stay tuned for part 2, Lisa's perspective!


  1. My hubby tells me pretty much the same thing you have stated. Great post!

  2. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Nice post. It is good to hear it from a man's point of view. Thanks

  3. Excellent post. I wish all guys would get 'real' like this. My sweetie certainly is, and it's so nice to be able to be comfortable with him no matter what 'shape' things are in, you know... I also thought the broken image throughout the text was really cool. Kinda 'cute', and very illustrative of the point being made.

  4. Anonymous11:40 PM

    this is a wonderful post! in my early-mid-20's i usually went for more a petite and/or slender woman and as a bodybuilder, that is what most people expected from me. but as i have gotten older, i have grown to more or less step out of that box of physicality. i have accepted the fact that not all women wear a size 2 and in the end, as long as she makes me happy and she is an internally beautiful woman, that is what counts the most to me.

  5. recently i heard "grown men" talk that it is ok for their woman to put on a little weight or have really short hair AFTER they have been together for awhile, but certain looks are required before they seek to know her initially.

  6. I love that your husband did this guest post. I cannot wait to hear your perspective on this topic.

  7. Anonymous5:37 AM

    your husband should be lucky to have such beautiful wife with beautiful body

  8. Anonymous5:38 AM

    your wife is more than beautiful compared to hollywood. your are a lucky person

  9. Sheliza ~ You have a wonderful hubby, go Dwayne!!

    1stopmom ~ Thanks! We do need to hear this from the good men that are out there.

    Sweet Mummy ~ I know exactly what you mean! It feels so good to be accepted no matter what. Yay for our great men!!!

    Marcus ~ Your comment does not surprise me at all, I expected nothing less. You're certainly one of those men who are not superficial about these kind of things. One day you're going to get the opportunity to make that special lady smile :)

    Sista gp ~ It's a sad reality with our men and an unfortunate one as well. Thanks goodness they don't all think like that!

    Mekhismom ~ I do enjoy reading his posts. If only he had time to do more. I will have mine up soon.

    Sarah ~ Why thank you. And believe me he shows his appreciation daily.

    Celebrity ~ Thank you.

  10. my hubby says all those exact words to me .. this is an awesome post!!

  11. Queen ~ It's beautiful thing, isn't it lady :) Stay sweet ~


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