Is Too Much Sex Bad For Your Health?

I came across a very intriguing piece written by Yvonne K. Fulbright on the FoxNews website the other day, and just had to share it with you! Some of these "hazards" of sex are pretty amusing, some made me say hmmm, while there were a couple that I could definitely relate to.

Do you have any special cures or precautions for hazardous sexual activity?

The Hazards of Too Much Sex

You can never have too much of a good thing, right? I used to think that when it came to sex. What harm is there in luxuriating in a lot of loving? Then I learned that an overly zealous sexfest can indeed have you walking more than a little funny.

Fascinated, I looked into the matter, only to find that too much sex in a short period of time can do a lot more than bench you for a couple of days. It can, in fact, put you out of commission for a while if you’re not smart about your sex play.

So how can you avoid injury when caught up in a bout of excessive sexual desire?

First, let’s look at the physical woes that can affect your game in the short term. Many of these are the result of having too much sex in a short period of time.

Rug burns or bruises – These are primarily going to affect the sexual positions you can engage in more than anything else. Just stay off of your back, knees or whatever is causing you discomfort and congratulate yourself for taking one for the team.

Strained muscle(s) – As with any other athletic, cardiovascular activity, you run the risk of pulling something. A bit of pain and slight immobility, however, should be the ultimate excuse for being (or staying) on your back. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner to take charge. After all, you should be rewarded for an effort (hopefully) well done.

Head injury – Often the result of banging up against the headboard. Take a pain killer and remind yourself that there’s no need to pull off a porn star routine next time.

Soreness and swelling – Feeling sore and swollen can be an unfortunate consequence for the ladies in particular. This "ouch" – often due to vaginal excoriation (or scraping of the vaginal walls) – can make any type of penetration-related sexual activity pretty much impossible. But don’t let your enthusiasm go unrecognized. This is the perfect excuse for some tender love and care.

Dehydration – You’re burning calories, working up a sweat and losing lots of water. So stay hydrated, especially if you’ve been drinking alcohol and want to avoid a headache.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) – Many women end up with a bout of cystitis (also called a urinary tract infection) after serious sex sessions. And they can be crippling, as in, neither of you are seeing any action for the next few days while she’s on antibiotics. To avoid a UTI, a woman should be sure to empty her bladder immediately before and after intercourse. She should also drink lots of water and cranberry juice on a regular basis.

Click Here to Read the Entire Article
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  1. I am laughing cause I have had some of those after effects many times! LOL! Hey, no pain no gain!

  2. I can relate to several of the "hazards" related to sex.

  3. According to Dr. Oz ) people should have sex more that 200 times a year.

    So this information is good to know.

  4. Nobody ever really talks about these things, but I have experienced a few of them. Because we all have this picture of 'perfect' sex and these hazards are not discussed by most people, I often felt embarrassed or like something was wrong with me, especially early in my marriage. As I've gotten older I have just kind of figured that's just how things are, it's just a part of it all, and I need to take care, be aware, and be honest with myself and my sweetie. Thanks for the article!!!

  5. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Yes, it's really interesting (usually people don't talk about it!). I've read some similar texts at

    Congratulations for the article!

  6. Anonymous1:56 PM

    A good example of how almost all of this isn't a matter of having too much sex, it's a matter of how you have sex: Like the head injury thing for example.

    Who the hell says you have to be up by the head board when you're doing it? You can do it sideways across the bed, you can come down to the edge of the bed, and so on.

    Getting head injuries from repetitive bumps against the head board is not a function of too much sex, it's a function of having dumb sex. If you're getting that injury, basically you're an idiot, and there's nothing in your head to damage in the first place, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

  7. Anonymous5:23 AM

    No one will EVER be able to tell me that too much sex is bad for you. Besides Dr. Oz (known for his reprising knowledge on Oprah) says "the more sex, the better..." and I wholeheartedly agree. I know when I get a woman again, then I will be gettin' my "jack rabbit" on as much as humanly possible.

  8. Sheliza ~ You got that right!

    Mekhismom ~ I hear ya! Don't hurt yourself ;-)

    Sista Gp ~ Now that's what I'm talking about!! Having a healthy sexual appetite keeps everything else right and tight ;-)

    Sweet Mummy ~ You are welcome! I applaud you for keeping things honest when it comes to the "bedroom" it's the foundation to a great sex life with your partner.
    We talk about these things over here so just keep coming back and participating, I like what you had to say. Never know who it has helped.

    Anonymous ~ We appreciate it.

    Yobachi ~ LMAO, I like your sense of humor!! We get it, if you can't do it without injuring yourself to the point of a comma you need to go back to "sex me and I'll sex you 101"...dummy!

    Mr. Marcus Langford ~ You go get get get it!! Don't break her back now.

    Nino ~ Yes, it really does. Good tip!

  9. lol too funny....lots of sex keep the hormones down n cause you to stay looking young

  10. As long as you're not drawing blood.......there's nothing wrong with a little over indulgence in the horizontal mambo.

  11. Once upon a time I probably would've answered this question, differently. But now that I'm older and experienced and wiser, there is no doubt in my mind that TOO much sex is not a good idea, at all.

    Why? Cause it's begs sleepiness. Lol.

  12. Reggie ~ "There's nothing wrong with a little over indulgence in the horizontal mambo"...and that also goes for the upside down, side by side, rocking, rowing, stroking, moaning, tonguing, slurping, energy surges pulsing through your body non-stop. Yep...mmmmm, mmmmm all of that!!

    Don ~ LOL...I thought you were serious for a moment but I know better ;-)

  13. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Too much sex is not at all bad for you. I have sex everyday with a wonderful man who is hot and sexy, any position any time........It all depends who you are with.

  14. Actually, some of these "injuries" can even occur if your sex is infrequent. One wrong turn, and...


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