I Love Days Like These...

Yesterday, was my day off. And I enjoyed it throughly! It was one of those days where I didn't do what I was "supposed" to do and did everything I wanted to do..lol. Well....almost.
But before my day started yesterday on Wednesday night I decided to end the night curled up in my bed with a chick flick. So I choose, P.S. I love you. Have ya'll seen it?

I've been wanting to watch it for the longest time now but haven't had the opportunity.
Guess it's one of those "me time" things that I kept pushing back for one reason or another. You know how we do, shame..shame. So, I put the movie in, pressed play and I don't remember when I fell asleep but when I woke up the movie was still playing, D. was up with the little one trying to put him back to sleep for the past hour. That must have been some really good sleep because I didn't hear a thing. I'm not saying that it was the movie's fault because I was really enjoying it. I guess watching the back of my eyelids was better..lol.

Well, yesterday I got to watch the whole thing and I Loved It!! If you haven't seen P.S. I Love You yet, it's a must see. If you like watching girly flicks. Just be prepared to have a box of tissue..because you're gonna need it, some nail polish and whatever you use to style your hair. For some reason I was inspired to give myself a new do and paint my nails red. Don't worry, I was really careful with the curling iron.

Daddy, Dave Dave (my 8 year old), and little joshy (20 months) cooked dinner. Dave Dave is now learning how to cook, seems like he's been waiting for this all his life. While they did that we girls hung out upstairs polishing nails, doing hair and singing our hearts out to Alicia Keys, off key at times. But that didn't matter, they like hanging out with their hip and cool mamma. It's ok with them when I'm being hip and cool in the house, not out...lol.

When was the last time you took a day off just for you?

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  1. dont rub it in i aint had a day off since i opened the shop

  2. I have not seen that movie.

    Well, I really don't take days off because I am too much of a control freak! I do have days that I don't lift a finger to cook or clean and I laze around or hang out with the family. Now the hubby left this am to go to VA for 2 days, so the girls and I will have a sleepover and watch TLC and Food Network while we feast on junk and giggle over absolutely nothing. That's time off for me! I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. That sounds like a great day! Especially nap time, I love to nap.

  4. These "Days Off" are crucial to a healthy, happy life! Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Anonymous4:23 PM

    i can not remember the last time i had a day like this actually. i always like to think that spending a day with my family or loved one was a great day off.

  6. Girl, I never get a day off just for me... EVER... BUT I must say P.S. I Love you is a GREAT GREAT GREAT Movie. It's now on my favorites list... Poor Rodney hates how many times I watch it over and over again. I'm currently reading the book and its much different from the movie but it's really good so far.

  7. Anonymous6:18 PM

    So long ago I've forgotten. The last time I had an afternoon off I spent it trying to fix someones PC!

  8. Ohhh, I love this post Lisa. I seek peace at all costs. Peaceful relationships, surroundings, rest, etc. And it sounds like you were totally engulfed in it for a while there.

    Love Dad and the boys cooking and you and the girls singing off key (and probably LOUD). My daughter and I used to do that well, LOL.

    I've never seen that movie, I may have to try it. Nothing like a good chick flick!

  9. Days off are necessary for sanity sake.

    My children enjoy hanging with there hip and cool mother who is that way both in the house and out. Whether they like it or not. . .lol.

    I haven't seen the movie yet but, I keep hearing it is good.

  10. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I loved your post. It is a great reminder that sometimes we just need to unplug. I know that I need to do this more in my own life. I think that I need to take a P.S. I Love You break like you. Great post.

  11. Girl, go on with yo badself and get your "me-time" on! That's what I'm talking about. Those of us that are SAHM need our Fridays too. Soooo cute, you and the girls rockin' out to Alicia Keys! lol I wanna see the video!


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