Homeschooling With Toddlers

As the new school year approaches I'm getting myself ready to tackle another year of Homeschooling. Although we don't "officially" stop Homeschooling during the summer months, we do slow down a bit.

A little intimidated even after 9 years behind me, there's always a moment where I ask myself if I'm ready? Is my patience level where it needs to be? Now that there's a fourth one to teach, who will keep the baby company?

One of the biggest questions I get from Mother's aspiring to Homeschool their children is how do you teach your older children while entertaining your Toddlers and babies? Do they get in the way? Does that make it even more challenging? I always answer those questions with a big fat YES! And I don't dare make it seem like it's a breeze. Because I don't want to give these Mother's any false expectations about this part of Homeschooling.

I've put together a list of different things Moms/Dads can do with their little ones while Homeschooling their older children. I'll break it up in parts so that my posts won't turn out to be a long!

Tip #1

Give your little ones the attention first! Before I start lessons with the older kids I devote the earlier hours with the little ones. We play, exercise, read. They would help me straighten up my room, their rooms. Brush teeth, comb hair, get dressed, pick out toys they want to play with. While I'm doing that with them the older kids are cleaning up after breakfast, unloading the dishwasher, dish drainer, straightening their rooms, grooming themselves, getting their work together from the previous day to be checked and or corrected. Starting a load of laundry, taking out the trash in the kitchen. Everyone is occupied, getting their minds ready for the day.

They all have assigned tasks so no one can ever say they didn't know what they had to do. There's no playing or much talking, it's part of school. Learning how to run a house effectively is all part of school.

I don't worry about time. I've learned that no matter how much time you give yourself for things something is going to happen where you won't be able to stick to it. Now, I do suggest having a round about time you want to work on a project, teach a certain lesson, spend individual time with each child but don't beat yourself up about it if your timing is off. You'll have another day at it, trust me.

So, if you give your toddler the first part of your day they will be much more happier and content. And so will your older kids. It's not easy having your older ones look at you and then at your toddler and then back at you like, can you please control that, And you're like...what do you think I'm trying to do here with tears rolling down your Been there done that.

Ok, see, I can go on and on about this but I'm going to end here. I hope this helps! To all the Moms/Dads braving the waters of Homeschooling and the ones contemplating it, I just want to say...keep up the good work, it's worth it!!

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  1. I am so glad that my kids are past that age!! Do your thing lady!!

  2. This is great advice! I have a friend with a special needs child and she is considering homeschooling also so Ill make sure to share this with her.

  3. I am not ruling out homeschooling when William is ready for school. You are very inspiring Lisa... Nine years~! Hats off to you!!

  4. Regina~ Thanks lady!

    Thembi~ You are welcome! Glad it was helpful. I hope your friend will find it helpful too.

    Check back for more helpful tips!

    Sheliza~ Yes, please don't rule it out. If you need any help looking in to it any further, let me know.


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