HomeSchooling With Toddlers Tip #2

To recap tip #1, start the day with your toddler(s) first! Give them attention before you start your lessons with you older children. Read to your toddler(s). Watch one of their favorite video’s together. Teach them how to clean up their rooms and put things where they need to be. Example, while picking up toys and putting them away this is a perfect opportunity to teach them how to count. And, you can sing the ABC song with them while getting them dressed. Your objective is to fill them up with as much attention as you can so that when it’s time to focus on your older ones they won’t (hopefully) interrupt you.

Tip #2 – Participation!

No matter how often you get good results with tip #1 there are going to be days when that approach is just not going to work. Toddlers will be toddlers and when they don’t feel like cooperating they won’t. So, what are you going to do? Go with the flow! Remember, one of the key words to Homeschooling is: Flexibility. Your toddler(s) will want to “do” school with their big siblings. Letting them do so will help you out more in the long run.

Allow your toddler(s) to be involved. When your older kids are at the classroom table, and by the way, your classroom table could be your kitchen table, dining room table, den floor, outside patio, etc. etc, set up a place for your toddler(s). Create their own worksheets for them to doddle on. When it’s time to read, include them even if they don’t understand. You’ll begin to notice how much they do understand and by being involved will actually help them to become better students; children who understand and excel in their studies. When your older ones are being rewarded for a job well done make sure you reward your toddler(s) as well. Give them a sticker for sitting quietly during reading, clearing their work off the classroom table. Your toddler(s) will learn so much and be completely unaware that they aren’t even in school as yet.

Click here to read tip #1

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    and hats off to phyllis wheatly on this day

  2. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Hey Lisa,

    You're giving homeschooling tips? How cool. I wanted to home school but found I didn't have the patience for it. Your kids are very luck kiddies. :)

  3. Shae-Shae ~ You are better for admitting that to yourself and choosing a different road. It takes the patience of Jesus some days to keep things going over here.

    Lovin' your new place, girlie!!

  4. Oh my gosh, thank you for the Toddler Tip because I was stressing trying to "entertain" the babies and still give teaching attention to the big girls. That's a great idea!!!

  5. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Excellent excellent toddler tips!!! Where were you 2 years ago when we were homeschooling this is exactly the information I was missing then. Looking forward to more on this series (even though we don't homeschool this is also great for afterschool homework time).

  6. Aly ~ Hey lady...I've missed you!! I know you're keeping busy with the D.O.D :-)

    I'm so happy you've decided to brave the waters of homeschooling, you will do awesome!!

    Yolanda ~ What's up lady!! So good to see you again :-) Eboy and Etot will definitely benefit from these tips during their homework time, it's about juggling our with any kind of school work. I'm working on tip #3, should be up very soon!

  7. You have some super ideas!!! I don't home school but my close friend does and has a toddler so I am going ot pass this on to her. Great blogs and pics!!

  8. Health Nut Wannabee ~ Thanks for visiting with me! Thanks for the compliment and do have your friend stop by, tip #3 will be coming soon!


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