Being Exhausted Is An Understatement!

I’ve been trying to find some mental strength to sit and write but the words haven’t come until now. I’m sitting here looking out the window enjoying the cool breeze. Fall is coming, one of my favorite times of the year. This will be the last time I get to enjoy this view. I’m in the process of moving.

There are boxes everywhere; loose ends of little things laying around that make it appear that you have some much stuff. Where did I fit it all, Is the question that has been plaguing my mind?? The truck is almost packed, I’m not sure how we are going to fit everything’s that left, but we’ll find a way.

The kids are happy! That’s what matters the most. Between D. and me we are exhausted, exhausted, exhausted! If we slow down too long there’s a chance we’d end up falling asleep wherever we are, that includes standing up leaning on one elbow on the kitchen counter….lol, (true story). We are looking forward to getting settled into our new place.

OK, that’s it for now. I’m going to get some work done while the kids are still sleeping. The smell of me cooking breakfast will wake them up when I’m ready for them. Hopefully, I’ll get back to the blogosphere soon, I miss you guys.

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  1. Hey Lisa, I know you have a whole lot on your plate right now. Moving especially with a family is very hard. Been there, done that, don't want to ever have to do it again! You take your time and everything will fall into place. At least you have the older kids to help out to ease the burden a little. I hope you have a lot of new memorable views from the window of your new dwelling. Take good care of yourself and the family and I'll catch you when you get back! Enjoy your new place and remember everything does not have to be done in one day. God bless...

  2. Girl you know I know! I've had a few of those falling asleep standing, while packing, etc.!! Pace yourself or you will burn yourselves out.
    I pray that God grants you endless strength and blessings!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. hey everything is gonna be okay and you are a strong woman so i know that you will be able to pull through!!! hey i started a blog too if u wanna read it is any who i will talk to you soon... and i am definitely praying for you

  4. Hey Lisa! I feel your pain we just moved about 2 weeks ago as well. so it's boxes of stuff everywhere! it's hard to believe all that stuf actually fit in our other apartment. crazy! we'll probably get rid of half of it though, just putting away and purging as we go! See ya on twitter!!

  5. Hi Lisa! I've been running around so much that I guess I missed a post - you're moving! What a pain in the butt, lol. You find stuff in your house that you forgot you had, then you take it with you and cram it into the new house.

    Once the move is over and everyone has a bed up, pass out, can slowly unpack the boxes later.

    Take Care.

  6. When you're settled, - I have something for you. Stop by my blog when you have a chance, ok?

  7. Moving.....ugh, I hate moving... I hope you guys have a safe move though, get back when you can, we miss you!!!

  8. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Don't over do it. Make sure you lie down to rest. That standing up crap won't cut it. ;-)

    Be safe & let us know how it went.

  9. Sheliza ~ Truly a breath of fresh air, thanks girlie :-)

    Torrance ~ You missing me, awww that's so sweet. Do you ever rest?

    Donna ~ It's beautiful!! Congrats lady sweets.

    Sincere ~ I'm missing you guys tweets, don't know when I'm going to get back to how it used to be. I'll still be sneaking in every now and again.

    Shelia ~ You are seriously on the grind doing your thang and it's paying off. I know I'm still on your mind and thanks for stopping by. Keep up the great work educating us!

    Pam ~ Thank you so much! I'm going to pass it on as soon as things settle a bit. I agree, those toothbrushes are good.

    Gina ~ I see you slowly coming back yourself. I'll be over soon. Getting up updates in my inbox now.

    Shae-Shae ~ *Smiling* No it won't cut it, tell that to my stubborn head though.


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