Baby Shower Gifts Galore!

My girlfriend just found out not too long ago that she's expecting number two. Yeah!! I'm so excited for her. This means I get to cuddle and hold a newborn baby again and the best part about it is that it's not mine. I actually get to visit and then go home..LOL.

One of the best parts about being pregnant is all of the special attention you and your belly gets. Everyone’s always making sure you're alright, comfortable and content. I know because it was this way for me with all five of my pregnancies. D. would give me back rubs, feet rubs, fluff my pillows for me. Ahh, the joys of being with child, it's like no other experience in this world. I say get your fill of the attention while it lasts because when that little bundle of joy comes it's all over and all the attention goes to them.

I'm going to be one of her friends in charge of planning her baby shower. I'm all siked out about it because I love planning events. When I was pregnant I wanted to know when and where my baby showers were going to be but no one would tell me. They all knew that if I found out my hands would be all in it. I would end up taking over the whole thing and in the end that wouldn't be much fun for me anyway because on the other hand I love being surprised.

I want to get her something special, something that she would remember and have good use for. When expecting Mommies register for baby showers all you find are the usual things like baby bath tubs, thermometers, baby clothes, pampers, onesies, strollers, swings, bottles and the list goes on and on. Even though, these are items that a baby would need they are also things that the expecting Mommy would expect to receive.

After doing some searching I came across Lil Baby Cakes. They offer unique baby shower gifts for new and expecting Mommy’s. I know she would like one of these. It’s different and that’s what I was looking for. I was impressed with the variety of baby gifts that they have but the one I want to give her is the diaper cakes.

I want you to tell me what you think. Will she like it? If it were you getting it would you like it? Now, I haven’t chosen which one as yet because we don’t know if she’s having a boy or girl and as you can see they offer different themes for boys and girls.

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  1. Yay! Congrats to your friend. And yes the pampering you get while with child is like no other time in your life. I miss it! I like the diaper cake idea personally. If someone gave one to me I would LOVE it. Now I know a few people that got one as a gift and they did not like it. I guess it depends on how grateful or easy to please your friend is. If she is anything like you I am sure she would love it!

  2. Awww, Sheliza you're right, I would LOVE it!! I think she will too. Can't wait to see what she's going to have.

  3. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Oh my goodness. I went over to the site and saw their cakes. They are beautiful! I think that would be the perfect gift. I would love to get one if I was expecting.

  4. Anonymous3:13 AM

    As an expecting mother, I would be pissed off if someone spent that much money on a diaper cake, especially in this economy and when those things are just overpriced arranged diapers that you could buy for less money in higher quantity, making me and their wallets happy at the same time. I'd actually ask them to return it and get their money back since I wouldn't want it - thanks but no thanks. They wouldn't have to get anything else, just get their money back. I'm just practical like that - has nothing to do with being grateful or not. Now if someone MADE one by hand for me (versus spending ridiculous amounts of money for someone else to make it), that's another story because it was made with love.

    That said, if I wanted to get one for the expecting mom, I would just ask if she likes them or would like one. In the meanwhile, I'm going to make sure that no one buys one for my shower. *amusement*

  5. 1stopmom~ I thought so too! They are beautiful.

    Tina~ Don't get too pissed...don't want that little one picking up bad *muah*

    Seriously, I see where you are coming from. Those diaper cakes are expensive and for some the $$ would be much more appreciated. I think they are beautiful and if the price is not out of you range than go for it but don't break your pockets if you're just trying to impress.

    Thanks for sharing your honest opinion.


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