It's Summer Time - Let the Games Begin!

Even though we don't take an official "summer break" from homeschooling, the lessons slow down considerably and the kids have a lot more free time than usual. One of the things they enjoy doing the most is playing on their PS2. It really is incredible to watch them play together, especially trying to figure out how our little 3 year old has become so proficient at some of these games. When we first bought the system for them our biggest challenge was finding age appropriate games. That has never been an easy task considering the 10 year range in ages (of the 4 who can play). I always try to find games that will keep everyone's interest, and are for at least 2 players. And I get excited when I can find something that will allow 4 players to play with their multi-tap so no one has to wait a turn. Beyond that I must consider that astronomical cost of these games. How do you parents do it?

Long ago I found my solution for saving some dough on the games, it was to purchase them online. Ebay and have been my go to places for regular savings on new and slightly used games. The challenge has always been that unless I knew what I was looking for, I couldn't get a good sense of what I was buying - and as a result have found myself returning more than a few. However, just the other day I stumbled into a GameStop store in our neighborhood, and was blown away at the huge collection of new and used games for the PS2. It seems since we're using an outdated system (who knew the PS3 made us lamo's) there are an abundance of PS2 games for the choosing. This store literally had hundreds of used games and accessories from as little as $0.99!

Had I known that I would need a good hour or so to browse through the collection, I might have left the 2 little ones I had in tow at home! Their patience wore thin long before mine, and little Joshy was having a field day picking up everything he could get his hands on. Nonetheless, I was quickly able to find 2 games and a controller, and turned my 20 minute visit to another hero of the day opportunity for Daddy! As you can see from the pictures, I was able to get a controller for under $10 (unreal!), and 2 games both under $5! The kids spent a few hours getting acquainted with both games yesterday and really loved the surfing. The Tiger Woods Golf is gonna need to grow on them, but I thought it would be a good choice for a change of pace from some of their more "intense" alternatives.

I think I've found a new friend in Game Stop. They sell new and used games, consoles and accessories for every game system and have a few post throughout the store where you can become addicted to the newest thing out. A big shout out to Jason at our local store who helped little Joshy get a quick run on the Xbox while I looked around. Oh, and did I mention, they also sell used DVD's. Not really a big deal for me since I usually just download whatever we're looking for.

If you're looking to give the kids something new and exciting for their game system check out your local Game Stop. Hey pick up a little something for you too while you're there. I peeped a couple games I think I could give Lisa a good spanking in, so I'll be back soon. (Oh yeah, we get down too!)

Posted by D., - Lisa's Husband


  1. Don't feel too bad. I only have the original Playstation and had purchased a handful of games.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Anonymous2:44 AM

    A controller for under 10 dollars is indeed a good deal.

    I'll be staying away from Game Stop though because the last thing my husband needs is another video game.

  3. Hey, we are the real lamos...we don't even own a gaming system! LOL!! If we did, I sure would be buying my games used. That makes so much sense! We have a Game Stop not even 5 minutes away, I need to tell a few video game junkies I know locally to check it out!

  4. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I love Gamestop too. I have found some really good deals there for my PSP and Gamecube. Since we have almost every system (I am a big kid) we have game memberships. It saves a lot of money because we do not waste money buying a game that is easy to complete or that no one likes. And believe me it makes a big difference because those Wii games are expensive!

  5. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Yeah, that's a great store. You know, it's so funny to see how real these games are. Hilarious! But, they have to be in order to be believable these days. No more Super Mario Brothers. LOL!

  6. I spent a good part of my Christmas money shopping in gamestop! My son is a gameaholic! I love the fact that we can buy used controllers, the games are high enough...


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