It Was Intense But The Debate Is Over!

It's been a few months now, and I have to say we gave it our best try. But much to our disappointment the Intense Debate comment system has officially gotten the boot.
Lisa had been using the Intense Debate comment system for all the reasons we covered in our previous post about it (here). While we are sad to part with all these cool toys and lovely integration with the blog, the ever illusive bugs just became more than Lisa (or I) could bear (to keep fixing). Even when, after weeks of missing comments from readers using Internet Explorer and the bug suddenly managing to fix itself...sort of, Lisa would still get emails from time to time reminding her otherwise. The list of other nuisances and quirky issues eventually became too erratic to keep up with. Ultimately it got to a point where Internet Explorer readers couldn't even access the blog. An error message would pop up as the page was loading and redirect them somewhere else. We removed the Intense Debate widget and...whalla, no problems. Put the widget back in and...Bam, no access to the blog. That was just more than Lisa could bear, and even though she gave it a few days to correct itself, the stream of emails alerting her to the problem tipped the scale. (good looking out you guys!)

Now if you're not familiar with Intense Debate you might be asking why we didn't just up and leave a long time ago. If it were only so easy! The fact is, I actually wrote this post nearly 4 weeks ago in preparation for our departure, but patience (or was it procrastination) kept us hanging on a little longer. Not to mention that all the while, looming over our head was the knowledge that returning to the Blogger commenting system would require an incredible undertaking of manual labor. You see, contrary to what we were led to believe, returning to Blogger's commenting system with all your comments from Intense Debate neatly packaged and in tact, is for us at the moment nothing more than a misguided hope. (Now I understand the meaning of comment hijacking!)

The truth is we only had 2 options in our departure. 1. Switch off Intense Debate and say goodbye to all the comments that have been posted in the past few months. or 2. Manually re-type (or copy/paste) all the comments from the past few months from Intense Debate into Blogger, manually adding all the necessary links to others' blogs (arghhh!) If you've been around Lisa C's for a while you already know that there really was only 1 option. So over the next few days weeks we'll be moving all comments back in the Blogger commenting system.

Fortunately, around every dark cloud is a silver lining. This new transition also comes at an excellent time to take advantage of the new partnership of Entrecard and SezWho.
Equally as exciting was the announcement that Blogger was introducing a new commenting feature - Embeddable comments. Integration of this new feature means that when you click on the comment button below (make sure you try it before you go), the post page will open and the comments will appear within the design of the blog (instead of Blogger's standard bland comment page). This makes the divorce from Intense Debate much less painful for Lisa since one of the features she was most disappointed to let go of was the aesthetic appeal of ID. If you've got a blogger hosted blog, and would like to try this layout for your comments, it's a pretty easy change. Pay a visit to Annie at Blogger University for detailed instructions, as she does a great job explaining some additional steps you'll need to take if your template has been heavily tweaked.

Hopefully (for Intense Debate) they'll be spotted by Google, scooped up and straightened out on their course. Until then this is our long kiss goodbye!

Posted by D., - Lisa's Husband


  1. I know that Lisa's dedication is a factor in transferring all those comments!!! Wow!
    I just started with SezWho, I'm not wowed yet...

  2. Oh gosh what a pain that is! I wish you guys luck and I thought all this technology was intended to make our lives easier!!? Have a great week :-)

  3. D., I'm really sorry to hear that you had to post your comments manually back into your system. I understand your frustration with our comment exporter for blogger. We're currently reworking the exporter, but I suppose bringing that up right now just adds insult to injury, so I won't mention our ETA on that.

    I am disappointed to lose your blog, but I know we're both aware of the issues that for some reason were unique to this blog.

    I would like to clarify for your readers that Lisa C's blog is an extreme case where IntenseDebate ran into unforeseeable issues specific to this blog. We continue to experience an overwhelming amount of success with integrating IntenseDebate into blogger blogs.

    D., again, I sincerely apologize for the frustration you experienced in troubleshooting these unique bugs as well as the amount of time you spent on resubmitting past comments.

    Kind regards,
    Michael Koenig

  4. @Regina: I agree. Many of us Entrecarders have started up with SezWho. So far I'm not moved either. In fact, I don't even see the difference other than the little star voting system on the bottom of each post.

  5. Micheal, I appreciate your quick response and input. It is indeed unfortunate that we were unable to resolve the issues mentioned. I will say that one of the reasons we hung around was the fact that so many other "big" blogs seemed to have no problems with the system.

    Also, your timely and thoughtful response is indicative of the support your team has given throughout our trial perioud. It was one of the most impressive features of your service. I wish you all the best!

  6. @ Regina & ShAe'-ShAe' - We don't expect much pizzazz from the SezWho application. Since it is not meant to modify your comment system as much as it is to build community around it. The biggest benefit we see at this point is the additional credit earnings from Entrecard, and that it should encourage other Entrecarders to slow down while "dropping" by and start to read the blog and leave comments. Hopefully that, more than card dropping, translates to new readers!


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