Why You Shouldn't Mess With the Zohan!

We did it! Even though they told us not to. And now we know why, you don't mess with the Zohan!

In Atlanta, we're fortunate to have one of the last great drive-in movie theaters around. And one of the things Lisa and I love to do when we have the opportunity is to take in a movie (or 2) at the drive-in. The drive-in is a perfect spot for us for many reasons. It is one of the few places you can go to after midnight and still find something fun and entertaining to do that doesn't involve heavy drinking and loud music. This is great for us, because even when we have a babysitter staying with the kids we like to put the little ones to bed before we leave.

Also the drive-in is one of the few places where we can hang out and get as dressed up or down as we like. Sometimes we'll get all dressed up like we're going out on a first date, and other times we take the trip across town and hang out in our loungewear or PJ's. During the spring and summer months it's especially fun when we take a couple of lawn chairs or blankets and sit outside under the stars. And of course sitting inside the vehicle can be just as much fun since there's no place like the drive-in to spark a fire while you sneak in a couple hot and steamy make-out sessions!

So last night was our night to get away (thanks Mom!). We decided we'd go the the 11:10 showing of Iron Man and finish the rest of the movie without all the, ahem - interruptions (read: the bootleg version we tried to watch of this movie was so bad we had to stop it before we saw very much). Then we'd stay on for the 1:55 showing of Adam Sandler's new movie Don't Mess with the Zohan. (Yes that's A.M.!) Another great thing about the drive in is that for the price of one admission you can watch both movies showing on your particular screen. Our drive-in only charges $7 per person, so for 14 big ones we get to see 2 new releases and have lot's of fun hanging out to unrighteous hours of the morning. And if your feeling especially devilish, you can hide your partner in the trunk and cut the cost of your date in half. (well that's what we heard, you know, some other people, not us, might try to do, sometimes, you know - not us...lol!)

Anyway, after finally getting out of the house 30 minutes later than we'd hoped (thanks Joshy), we made it to the drive-in at about 11:45. And wouldn't you know it we found our parking spot, got comfortable and it turned out that the movie was at the very point where we quit watching on our "copy". So Iron Man, although we were late, worked out perfectly as we got to see practically the whole movie. And while I'm not convinced it was worth all the hype, it was a pretty good movie. A decent attempt at a "different" type of superhero story, though the conflict and ending suffered from a horrible lack of creativity. The truth be told though, we were really excited about seeing Don't Mess with the Zohan. We're pretty big fans of Adam Sandler's work. Some of the favorites in our own collection are his movies Click, Meet the Parents, and Meet the Fockers. So though this movie begged for an eye raise, we were anxious for a good laugh.

Ok, so maybe it was just me. Maybe it was the fact that it was after 2 a.m. Maybe I was a bit distracted by the gorgeous set of legs sitting across from me. Maybe I didn't have enough to drink. Maybe I had too much to drink. (I told her we should have spiked our punch) Maybe it was any number of a hundred or so totally off the wall jokes, comments, innuendos or visuals in the movie that left me at 4 a.m asking myself, "Why the Hell?". Don't get me wrong, we laugh our assets off from time to time, and even that felt a bit weird considering what we were watching. This movie to me is proof that once you reach a certain level of success, you can do some pretty insane things - call it art, or music, or comedy and people will agree and applaud. Adam Sandler got his opportunity in this movie to do and say things that no one else could have pulled off for a laugh.

In all we had a great night, we even finished off with an exciting trip to the grocery store, and managed to get home as the sun was coming up. So if you've got a drive-in anywhere close to your area, take our advice and give it a try sometime, we're sure you'll have lots of fun, but.... Don't Mess With The Zohan!

Guest Post by Lisa's husband, D.


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