Why I Left Robert For Amy

Last night D. and I "tried" to watch a bootleg copy of IronMan (you know we've all done it), let's just say it went south fast. We got tired of seeing people walk across the screen interrupting the movie and the person who was taping it cover the lens every time they thought someone was looking. We agreed to throw in the towel.

So, we decided to just chill and listen to the sounds of Amy Winehouse, her music is brilliant! I love it! She handles it well but help her little soul, she isn't handling her life well at all. Wouldn't it be great if she pulls a Robert Downy on us?

Here's one of my favorite's by Amy, He can Only Hold Her For So Long~


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    i would be surprised if she pulled a robert downy on us. maybe cause almost nothing surprises me lately.

  2. Rolando~ Good seeing again! I'm hoping she can pull it together.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    amy B jamming

  4. Torrance ~ Doesn't she?

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    She is very talented. I hope she gets it together before it's too late.

  6. A Voice From the Bat~ Welcome to Lisa C's!!

    I hope so too or it will be a waste of good talent.

    Thanks for leaving your comment!

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM

    You have to see Iron Man on the big screen. It is worth it.

    Amy can sing. Hope she can get herself together.

  8. Sharon~ That's what I've been hearing, that it was really good! We are all rooting for Amy.

    I see you were able to leave your comment. Looks like Intense Debate has solved that problem.

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM

    It really is a dang shame she can't pull her personal life together like she does her music. She truly is so talented. It seems that it's a curse of the talented though.

  10. Ana~ I can't seem to figure it out myself. Whatever it is it just ain't good!

  11. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'm not a fan of Amy, my hubby is tho. And yea those bootleg movies, thats the only way we watch ours LMAO

  12. Gina ~ LOL...Gina you too funny!!! Hubby has good taste ;-)

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I love Amy SO MUCH but I am convinced that she will be dead in a year or two :-(

  14. Lianne~ You really think so, huh? She better do something fast!


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