Mommy, I Want To Ride A Horse!

A couple of weeks ago, the kids had a blast, they visited a horse park with their great-aunt and now everyone thinks they're ready for lessons. My oldest has always had a love for horses. Don't ask me where she got this from because D. and I have a different take on this, we just didn't grow up around many farms in Brooklyn, ok. The most we saw was the dogs and cats you owned and the many strays that begged you for something to eat. Which is why I think I had so many cats and dogs growing up, 11 cats and 3 dogs to be exact. My father had and still does have a weak spot for animals. What can I say, he's an animal lover at heart!
Our kids do have the privilege of seeing horses all the time especially when we are driving. As a matter of fact we pass a couple of farms on our way to the library which is only a 5 minute drive away. Yes, I know we live in the country, a far cry from Brooklyn...LOL!

As natural our younger kids have followed in the footsteps of their older sister and have adopted a love for horses. D.'s aunt (who comes and visits with us often from the Virgin Islands) close friend works at a horse park and thought it would be great to get the kids aquainted with a horse up close and personal. Ya'll know I got an earful when they got home, right? They told me they got to touch the horses, brush the horses and of course smell the horses and loved every minute of it. They didn't want to leave! They were so excited when they walked through the horses stable to get to the bathroom and didn't even mind the poop they had to step over (yuck!). That was a little more than I need to know, LOL!! What can I say but, I think they're ready. They will begin lessons in a couple of month and can't wait!!


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    OMG they look so CUTE!!!!

  2. Lianne ~ Thanks girlie!!!

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    So cute!!! My girls would love to do something like that, I don't even know if there are any horses around here LOL

  4. Gina ~ I'm sure your girls will love it!!

    BTW ~ I like the Ooh La La Mama dresses they are wearing. I'm going to enter the contest.

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    i know that feeling, mine is daddy i want that lol

  6. Torrance ~ I know, she's a little sweetie too :)

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    so yours name is keith sweat to lol i wanna

  8. Torrance~ LOL....I got it!


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