I Am A Housewife, But Who You Calling Desperate?

It's funny how things like hugs and kisses gets your attention. How spending time with your children (and hubby) reminds you of what's important. How we as Moms get so busy that we miss the little things that matter most when it comes to raising our children. For a long time I was absent from my home on so many levels and didn't even realize it. And no, it didn't start with blogging. To be quite honest, I don't know when it started. All I know is that it didn't take long for me to get comfortable with the idea of not being here (mentally). I suffered with "the grass is greener on the other side" syndrome (as we all do at times).

The good thing is that I've given myself room for error because I have learned that the choice to be a stay-at-home-mom (housewife/homemaker, whatever title you use) is by no means an easy one and on top of that, add homeschooling. However, I've also learned that it is what you make it, it's enjoyable, rewarding, courageous, honorable and doesn't have to be "desperate" in any way shape or form. Which leads me to my passionate disappointing feelings towards the T.V. show, Desperate Housewives. It stinks! And what's even worse is that there are so many stay-at-home-moms who watch and support this degrading show. It's a false representation of what true, dedicated , faithful and committed housewives really are. I can't believe that show is still on the air! When did we become so ashamed at this awesome privilege.

For a long time I bought into the lies, the mis-representation of housewives (it's unfortunate, I know) and it had me missing out on what I have. A beautiful family, a loving husband who, my god, I wouldn't be who I am today if it hadn't been for him stepping in to my life when he did, five precious children who look at me as if I am the best two legged creature that walks the face of this earth. Man, to them I got it going on - funny thing is I didn't always see it that way, now I do! Moms who have chosen the narrow road to stay home and raise their children do have it going on and no, we're not desperate (at least not all of us). The Moms who are desperate have just not realized how much power they have. They haven't yet realized that their choice to stay at home shows how loving and selfless they are and how much their family needs them, loves them and doesn't want anyone else but them! Now, that's nothing to sneeze at and it's everything to be awarded for, well, at least that's how I see it.

The beautiful things about being a stay-at-home-mom get over looked. What the media shows us is all the desperate ones who (sadly) bring harm to their babies, who have basically given up doing what they chose to do. They don't talk enough about the women who have chosen to go against the grain, who are proud to be at home. Even families like the Duggar's (which I commend) get a bad rap. Here's a woman who has chosen to have as many children as she believes she's supposed to have, stay at home, homeschool all 17 of them and she's not losing her mind over it. But she's judged because many people think it's just too much. And that's not all they think. If she had listened to the chit chatter and gotten distracted from what she thought was in her and her families best interest then, it's a good possibility she would have lost her mind. Imagine her getting caught up in a show called desperate housewives, I rest my case.

*~*holding up glass*~*
Here's one to all of my fly, sensual, courageous, dedicated, hot mamas staying at home and loving it!!


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    i have only seen that tv show once

    and u skrong lol

  2. Torrance~ LOL...You funny ;-)

    I checked out the review, it was great. They did a wonderful job!

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I could totally relate to what you are saying. I lost myself for a while too and having my last baby has allowed me to find myself again. I would never trade my stay-at-home mom/homemaker status for anything! I click my glass to yours Lisa! :)

  4. Sheliza~ We got to do this more often, clicking glasses that is :-) Kiss little William, k.

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Hi there! I'm new here. I just found your link through Mommy Daddy Blog and your latest entry caught my attention! I am honestly feeling the same way about the show "Desperate Housewives". It's just isn't right and ever since it's on air, I purposefully avoid seeing any of its episode. I am disgusted as how they portray mothers there. Much to my chagrin, my friends support the show and I could only say, "Really? Ugh. No, I don't like it one bit."

    Being a hot Mama doesn't mean desperate. We're so much better than that.

    I love this entry of yours, you write with openness and passion about motherhood.

    Allow me to be an addition to your ardent readers.


    Yvie "Non-desperate Mama"

  6. Yvie~ Welcome to Lisa C's! I'll be visiting you soon and best be sure I'll add you to my list as well. Tipping my glass to you ;-)

  7. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I am right there with you! Thank you for writing this! I needed this pick me up.

  8. Tanyetta~ You just don't know it, but you inspire me :-) Thank you and you're welcome! We need this more often.

  9. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Oh, you couldn't have said it better. I don't understand why people are crazy about the series when the title itself insults housewives in general.

    And about being there when you're actually not. I actually have to watch it, I only have one kid, and although I run the house alone I get distracted sometimes by this internet business. I also plan to homeschool my kid soon. Cheers to you and to all hot mommas like us who make their voices heard and step up to live beyond medicority! God bless you and your family. :-)

  10. Jennie~Here's to us, girlie!!! You know we are holding it down ;-)

    Be sure and stop by soon. I will be starting a homeschooling with toddlers series. It will be very helpful to you on your journey to homeschooling.

  11. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Dude you hit the nail right on the head with this one! Now you know you're looking super fly! But I'm not mad, girl. :) Do yo thang! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Ana~ You have me cracking up, lady :-) Thanks Momma!!

  13. Anonymous12:50 PM

    You GO Ms Lisa! You know you are doing the darn thing! Believe it or not no matter what the "regular" world says about housewives there are tons of women who wish they could have what you have but can't (Because our economy sucks...) so you are living the dream for millions of others! Keep doing what you do!

  14. Regina ~ You're speaking truth! How unfortunate is it that because of our economy both parents have to work outside of the home just to make ends meet. It's a shame!

    Thank you for you encouragement :-)


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