The Unfortunate Mis-Understandings In the Blogosphere!

Sh*t happens!
Unfortunately, communication that's left up to write can be mis-understood and taken in a way it was not intended to be. Even after you apologize, what was done is done!

The Story:

I have (or should I say had) begun developing what I thought was a beautiful friendship here in blogoland. I'm real about it, I know that "real" friendships take time and are not based on you leaving me a comment and me leaving you a comment type of thing. There is more to it then that. Like exchanging emails for example, adding each other on different social networks, taking it a step further and calling each other or meeting face to face. Oh, the joys of finding friends that you can connect with like that is priceless. Unfortunately as you are working your way there, like I said sh*t happens.

I totally goofed up. I mis-understood something in the worse way. So, like the "I'm going to put my foot down" kinda girl that I am I got the whip out and lashed out. Ooops! Can you say "slow down"? I realized later on that I totally got things mixed up. So what did I do? Like the sweet, gentle, loving kinda girl that I am I said sorry.

As the world turns, I haven't heard anything from this person. Nodda, zip, zilche, nothing! So what can I do?

I hope that if you're reading this (you know who you are) you can put it behind you and find a place for me in you space.

Now let me go find a spoon and get my ice cream eating on...LOL!


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