I Blog Guilt Free, NOT!

Take a look, if you will, in my side bar at the little cute button that says, "I Blog Guilt Free". I added that button and joined the group of eager bloggers coming together to admit, let go of and unload their desires to actually blog guilt free. I guess, by putting it on paper (in this case, online) solidifies it, huh?

What is blogging guilt free exactly? Many of you will have your own answer to that question, here's mine. It means to blog or not to blog at your own will not the will of your readers. This does not apply, however to the many of you who's blog is mainly designed or created to make money. I understand the things you have to do. This applies to the many of us who blog for personal reasons, fun, a refuge, to meet online friends and to voice your two cents in whatever matter you choose. It means, slowing down when you need to or your family needs you to and not allow yourself to feel the pressure to have to be there. It means not feeling guilty if you can't visit your favorite blogs and comment as often as you would like. And lastly (the big one), not posting as often as your heart may desire to post in fear of losing the 1, 2, or 3 faithful readers who are waiting to hear from you. What I've learned is that if they are truly faithful they will be there, no matter how often you post.

With that said let me tell you what has happened since adding that little button. I discovered that I was not however blogging guilt free and became addicted (needing) to do all of those things listed above in fear of losing the (in the grand scheme of things) little that I believed I had. As you may be thinking, I was kicking myself for adding that little button, joining a group of bloggers who dare to think they can blog guilt free. Who do they/we think they/we are? Nonetheless, I had to admit to myself and my husband that carrying this guilt was going no where fast and I had to do something about it. I'm a Mother, and as you Moms know we can (at times) carry unnecessary guilt. I just don't need anymore.

At the end result of this new discovery I have found PEACE! But (and I do say but) it has not been easy. I was not fully prepared for the things that faced me as I turned my back on my blog and faced my husband and children, it was not pretty. However, not too far gone either. Nothing that some good 'ole TLC wouldn't mend, something that I have plenty of. One of the things we did was redecorate our classroom, everyone loves the new lay out. It was time to de-clutter. Staring at the same drawings so long can make you not even see them anymore. You start losing the appreciation you once had for them. Now the kids are looking forward to creating new pieces of art.

On a personal note, one of the things that I struggle with is doing things in moderation. When I'm in, I'm in 100%, no slacking and I have the determination to be amongst the best. Let me add that there is nothing wrong with that but if you're out of balance, giving more to something and allowing your other priorities to go by the way side, there's a problem. Sometimes I can become so committed to something that I don't see anything else and I make excuses (good ones mind you) for it. That's of course up until I push it just a little too far and the words of my Mother comes back to haunt me, "if you play with fire you'll get burned". **sticking out tongue**

As I come to the end of my alloted time I have set for myself (remember moderation people). I want to say to you, if you happen to see fewer posts just know that I'm not going anywhere, just flexing my new found muscles. Blogging Guilt Free. And if you don't see me visiting you as much just know that I still have CRAZY love for you, blog on blog on! ~Kisses~


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