Back To the Emergency Room We Go....

Little Joshie (now 18 months) has injured his collar bone. Ok, that's putting it lightly, he actually broke it in half, it split right through. They were all dancing in the den on Friday evening and all of a sudden he just slipped. It caught me by surprise because he's fallen down before and hurt himself, gets up and thinks nothing of it. He's fallen off the bed and just brushes that off too. So I was shocked when this happened because it looked like he just slipped in his socks and landed on the floor. I looked at him for a minute (I didn't want to startle him with a crazy reaction) and then he just started to bawl. I picked him up, calmed him down, held him in my arms and he fell asleep. I thought everything was ok but when he woke up I could see that he was in a little discomfort. I watched him for the rest of the night, kept checking his arm, it just looked like he bruised it and it was sore. That night I gave him some medicine for pain and we went to bed.

The next morning he wasn't in pain but you could tell that something was wrong. Little Joshie loves to play with his ball and even though he was playing he would not throw with his right hand or move it to much. So we decided to take him to the emergency room. Sure enough the Doctor took one look at his shoulder and said he thinks it's a broken collar bone. D. and I were shocked. This little man is only 18 months, the first one of our kids to have a broken anything.

They took a couple of x-rays and confirmed it, they said the only thing we could do is wait for it to heal on it's on which would take about 3-4 weeks. 3-4 weeks?? Tell that to a rambunctious 18 month old...LOL. Oh how I wish we lived in a cushioned house!
Joshie's doing fine, really, he hardly notices there's anything wrong until we try to get him to wear the sling they gave us. He's not hearing it, uh uh! I'm so grateful it's not anymore serious than it was.

This is, however, not the first time we had to take Little Joshie to the emergency room, oh boy~

Counting my blessing, everyday!


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