You ARE a Role Model - STUPID!

I don't care what your boy Charles Barkley might have told you, but when you get paid an insane amount of money for shooting a ball into a hole - guess what, you are a role model! And when you are a role model you can't do stupid sh*t and videotape it for the world to see. You can't do stupid sh*t that will get other (more stupid) impressionable young people killed because they saw their role model do it.

Somebody needs to take this dude out back and break him off some common damn sense!

Here's the video of Kobe Bryant (not) being a great role model:

Here's what happens when impressionable young kids follow immature big kids:

Kobe Wannabe Fails At Speeding Car Jump - Watch more free videos

Needless to say - Don't try this at home!


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