Take A Moment To Chill

My kids just love this song and oh yeah, let's not forget about the movie. They can't get enough of NARNIA! Now, there's part 2 with new cast member, Prince Caspain, my kids have great taste! Even my 3 year old walks around the house singing and saying little lines from the movie. I must admit, I like the movie and song too. I find myself humming the tune when I'm washing dishes (which by the way, is calming and soothing for me), don't ask. But if you've ever seen the movie Emperor's New Groove (when mom gets wind of some bad news and is just about to go off she quickly calms down and says "I gotta go wash some dishes"), you'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyhoo, back to the video. Pump up the volume (if you can), listen and enjoy ~ It's become a favorite.

Can't Take It In ~ by Imogen Heap


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