A Moment With Joshie...

Who knew that when we won this incredible new camcorder a few years back that it was probably just one of the last of an old model on the shelf. We've found much good use for that camera over the years, and have hours of video to show for it. So when it came time to want to share some of that priceless footage, we thought we'd just hood it up to the computer and....., well not so fast!

It turns out our camcorder is not digital (no matter how much we swear that it looks just like one!), and so therefore the simple task of transferring these captures would be quite an undertaking - one we're not quite prepared for...yet. Well you're smart and you have already peeped that little video box just below, so you must know there's more to the story. Ok, maybe we're just a bit slow (or some people should actually start to read the instructions) but we recently discovered that our digital camera can record short video clips. Wow!

So we've been playing around with it for a little while and decided to share a candid moment with father and son. Hope you enjoy!

Guest post, by D.


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