Breaking News: Lisa SEE Pic of the Day!

After some gentle coaxing from my dear hubby, I have decided to venture into this courageous new project for my blog. As many of you already know, my husband is a semi-professional-freelance-master-novice photographer! And as fate would have it , I just happen to be his quintessential-amateur-virtuoso-subject and model! And we have thousands (literally) of photos to prove it!

Today we're introducing Lisa SEE's Pic of the Day! - our daily periodic picture post. My love has an incredible eye behind the camera, and always says that a picture can speak a thousand words. So each day we'll add our thousand words, giving you another glimpse into the world of Lisa C. Since almost all of the shots will be of D. behind the camera and me in front of it, you'll get to know us both just a little bit better.

There isn't going to be any rhyme or reason to the order we post the pictures. Each day will be a random exposure, often without description, just letting the picture speak for itself. We welcome and look forward to your comments.


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