Wordless Wednesday...#33

Check out my other WW's here!


  1. Okay...so the picture is light, right? It took me a while to figure it out...it's kind of one of those "illusion" pictures!! Very cool.

  2. Gorgeous shot. Love it!
    Happy WW!

  3. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Great composition. I love shots like this.

  4. Ok, Imma get my head out of the gutter and tilt my head to the side to get a better view of this pic! LOL

  5. Anonymous4:16 AM

    A 'VERY CREATIVE' way to photograph a lamp. Hahaha

  6. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Took me a while to work this one out - nice one!

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Ok, I'm glad I stayed and read your comments, because I totally thought it was a crotch shot. I'm so glad I know it's a lamp!

  8. there's something funny about this pic. i think my mind's playing tricks on me again. i am such a perv, haha, sorry. ;)

  9. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I was like "hmmm, why is there a crotch shot for her WW?" and then I looked a little closer and figured it was a lamp. At least I hope its a lamp.

  10. Lol! My mind went straight to the gutter!!!

  11. LOL, I had to stop for a minute.

  12. Anonymous5:18 PM

    lol, you got me thinking the moment I saw this picture., clever.

  13. I immediately saw a crotch shot and my hubby immediately saw the lamp. Totally the opposite of what I would have expected.
    Our Happy Happenings
    Livin' With Me

  14. LMAO @ this shot. I opened it up and thought, "Lisa is getting so risque!" LOL Sometimes I just need to cross my eyes to see straight. ;-)

  15. LMAO! It took me a few seconds to realize that this was a lamp! Okay, you got me, haha!

  16. Hey Lisa!
    This was fun! Me, my son, my daughter and my daughter in law all saw this at the same time and those three nuts saw a vajayjay and I saw a lamp!

  17. Hi Lisa thank you so much for stopping by at my blog. I really appreciate your time stopping by..;)

  18. I Love it, this was so much fun!! Glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Now get yo mind outta the gutter ;)

  19. What a great shot. I had to rinse my "mind" out with Listerine...lol

  20. Anonymous8:43 AM

    She should get that green stuff growing on her left butt cheek checked out. Looks gross!

  21. Wow!
    First I thought it was a cleavage shot, then I thought it was a mirrored shot of two breasts facing one another, then I thought it was a crotch shot, then I realized that it was a LAMP!
    I feel so dirty now.
    Thanks for the mental exercise, and for helping me to realize that I am a perv. :)

  22. Anonymous9:11 PM

    i thought the wall was the screen. c",)
    great effect.

  23. Anonymous12:38 AM

    lol i am glad I read these comments so I don't feel alone in originally thinking it was a crotch shot. I see the lamp now though. Hah. :)


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