When Things Dont Go....

Your way? What do you do?
Do you catch a fit? Start pulling your hair out? Put a pillow over your face and scream. I've been guilty of all of the above.
What the hellavet is going on here. I thought I was grown. I thought I was responsible with my emotions. Not!
Confession: I do not act all grown up, all the time.
It's like when the kids are pulling at me all at once. The baby's crying, my three year old is walking around being bossy, my 3rd is acting like she's about to die because she has a little hang nail, my 2nd is acting like he doesn't understand a word I'm saying and my oldest is acting like she wants to take my place. You know what I do, start crying. That's right! And then something wonderful happens, they stop. Stop being so demanding, helpless, ungrateful, and they stop acting like they are the only human beings on the face of the earth. "Mommy are you ok? Mommy can I get you anything? C'mon guys let's give Mommy some time alone, she needs it more than we do." Ha, ha, ha! I won.
No but for real, I need a serious break. I'm talking another spa visit kinda break. Or else I might break. Lately I've been tearing up over the silliest things. Like tonight when my dh finished designing and ordering separate business cards for us. WT..(you know what)! He tells me that it was my idea. HUH? But the funny thing is I might have suggested that, but I can't remember. (Another sign that I need a break). I'm way too young to be forgetting things like that. Unfortunately, I calmed down when he decided enough was enough and took his grown self to bed. That was around the same time I wanted to "rationally" talk about it. Can you say "TOO LATE!" It was definitely something silly to get all worked up about. I would have done the same thing, bounce.

Honey, I'm sorry....muah.


  1. Aren't you two so cute! it's ok to break down every now and then, and making up is always fun!
    Huh... who is taking those pictures??

  2. Regina~ LOL...making up is always the fun part ;)
    Hubby is the genius behind the shots :)

  3. so sweet of you... btw thanks for visiting my site... you too got a nice blog here. god bless!

  4. Happy Proud Mommy~ I found you through Regina's. Thanks for coming by. See you again soon!

  5. Anonymous11:06 PM

    We all have had these moments, especially if you are a stay at home mother living from one small crisis to another. We just have to remember to find time for ourselves.

  6. Ahhh...what a beautiful couple. Hey, er...he got a brotha? or a couzin or sumtin mon?...lol

    It is wonderful making up

  7. Mrs. G~ I know you feeling me lady. Thanks~

    Iriegal~ LOL! No, he's an only child. But he has friends ;)

  8. Anonymous2:08 PM

    AAAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! What a happy ending!


  9. Great post Lisa, pictures and all. You're very honest about your feelings and concerns, and your husband seems to be open to talking about issues and working through them. The two of you have half the battle won before it gets started.

    Taking a break is very necessary. I just did so myself. It wasn't long enough, but at least I don't have the urge to kill anymore, lol.

    Thanks for the Snapvine short. I've come to really like it!


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