Thursday's Thought of the Day...#21

I just love getting tips for life from Dumb Little Man. One in particular was a post title, 3 Simple Ideas to Improve the Quality of Your Relationship:

Relationships, especially intimate ones, require work, dedication and patience. Great relationships just don’t happen – they happen because both people are willing to commit time and energy to it.

Although building and maintaining a mutually gratifying relationship does require effort, the ideas and concepts are simple ones. In fact, the following three ideas provide a proven roadmap for relationship success:

1. Keep the relationship a priority
2. Learn to embrace differences
3. Focus on what you love and appreciate in your partner

Keep the relationship a priority
In the beginning, you and your partner were strangers to one another. After meeting and agreeing to a handful of dates, passion and curiosity soon developed. Think back to the time early in the relationship. There were probably frequent and romantic dates; long telephone calls where your life stories’ were shared; and a hunger for one another when you were apart.

Then, something happened. Life got in the way. Although not very noticeable at first, the novelty worn off even though the relationship became more serious. Work, bills and the needs of the children began to trump the needs of the relationship.

If your relationship is lacking the spark it once had, consider getting back to the basics. Plan dates, call one another just to talk – not just to exchange information, and make your love a priority. Imagine what your life might be like without this person, and then begin to live each day as if it were the last day with him or her.

To read the entire post, visit Dumb Little Man.

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Thursday's Thought of the Day!

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  1. You are going to be the relationship Guru!

  2. Dayum I know I need to work on #1. Cuz baby after the children, well that was it. Sh*t I don't know what it's like to sleep in the bed without a baby in it. LOL.


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