Sunday's Loves #1

It's time for me to spread some luv! Thought I'd start off my link love with giving to some of the best people on earth, ATLiens!! (pronounced: A-T Aliens). For those of you who don't know what the heck I'm talking about, I'm referring to people who live in Atlanta, Georgia.

The ones that I'm going to list are just a few of the bloggers that I know from Atlanta. I want to find out about the ones I've missed. Here's what you could do, leave a comment letting me know who I've missed and I'll add them/you to the list.

SincereThoughts, Raw Dawg Buffalo, Nicole Bitchie, SandraRose, Straight From the "A", The SnapClap, Shae Shae, Kreative Talk, The Chocol8te Diaries, Christian Fiction

I know that there are tons more out there in the blogosphere. I'm sure if I thought about it some more I'd come up with a few but I'm leaving that up to you guys.

Also, coming this summer to Atlanta, GA is the Blogging While Brown International Conference. For more details check out the website and get registered. I hope to see all of my fellow ATLiens there!


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