Possible F2 Tornado Hits Downtown Atlanta!

Something incredibly unusual has happened in The City Of Atlanta. This morning we are waking up to find incredible damage to numerous structures throughout the city. It's not often you hear (in fact, I've really never heard) of a tornado ripping through a metropolitan city with as many tall buildings as are in the downtown area.

These pictures only show a glimpse of the damage. Severe damage has been reported as several landmark structures including: The Georgia Dome, CNN Center, Omni Hotel, Westin Hotel, Georgia Convention Center, Centennial Olympic Park, The Equitable Building, The Suntrust Tower, and many, many others. Severe damage is being reported in many communities including the historic Cabbage Town neighborhood around the downtown area.

Amazingly, no deaths have been reported as a result of this incredible tragedy, and the reports of injuries are minimal considering the damage.


  1. I just heard about this a little while ago, totally amazing. When you think tornado you do not think of Atlanta! I have a good friend there that I called to check on and I didn't get through to her yet, but I am sure she is fine.
    I pray that all is well with you and yours over there.
    Peace & Love

  2. ohhh lord, that's all I need to hear is Tornado/City/Unusual. Since I'll be in "Tornado Alley (or Valley)" this is making me nervous. At lease not one died in Atlanta.

  3. My heart just goes out to all those who had experienced the effects of the tornado. It is all so sad. I don't have any relatives there but I do have some friends. To me it is global warming

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  5. i went downtown sunday to see it, im loke whoa, we get them all the time in memphis

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. yeah I was at the hawks game when it popped off..luckily the hawks game and the SEC tourney both were still going on so it wasn't that many people on the streets. If it was say 5-10 minutes later thousands of people would have been out there. it was crazy!

  8. Anonymous12:26 AM

    I'm glad you and your family are doing good. I can't believe it happen this weekend with the NCAA conference going on. I live in Texas and I hate this part of the year.

  9. Anonymous12:44 AM

    For a tornado to hit the middle of a city...there is something obviously f*cked up with our climate system, because this should NOT be happening.

    Marcus LANGFORD


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